Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue (Nov 8, 2000 prototype)

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Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue (Nov 8, 2000 prototype)
Build date Nov 8, 2000
Dump status Released
Released by ObscureGamers
File release date July 8, 2022
Origin CD-R
Lot Terarelease 3.0 (2022)
Label 102 Dal Rel
Dump method DiscImageCreator (DICUI) (PLEXTOR PX-W4012A)
Game Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue
System PlayStation
Genre Platformer
Final build US Oct 8, 2000
EU Nov 9, 2000
Release date US Nov 8, 2000
EU Dec 8, 2000
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A late prototype of Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue for the PlayStation.


  • European prototype.
  • Compiled just one day before the final EU build.
  • Aside from slightly different volume descriptors and the absence of the RAND.DAT file, this prototype is identical to the retail EU release.
  • Original filename: Disney's 102 Dalmatians Puppies to the Rescue (Nov 08, 2000).rar
Relevant Volume Descriptors 
Prototype Retail EU
Volume Space Size: 77397 Volume Space Size: 77400
Recording Timestamp: October 13, 1900 15:31:44 Recording Timestamp: November 9, 1900 15:31:44



A huge thanks to Obscure Gamers and all who have contributed over the years to these Tera Releases!