Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge (July 18, 2000 prototype)

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Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge (July 18, 2000 prototype)
Build date July 18, 2000
Dump status Released
Dumped by Kneesnap
Released by Kneesnap
File release date February 1st, 2025
Origin CD-R
Lot Frogger 2 Motherload Lot
Dump method PowerISO
Game Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge
System PlayStation
Genre Action
Final build PSX US Aug 10, 2000
PSX EU Aug 15, 2000
PC US Sept 6, 2000
PC EU Sept 8, 2000
Release date US Sep 21, 2000
EU Oct 13, 2000
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A prototype of Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge for PlayStation.


  • Story FMVs have been integrated. The intro FMV isn't present, instead the first level FMV plays instead.
  • The FMVs are extremely low quality, even when compared to the final version.
  • They are also not the same video files used in the final, as the cutscenes are unfinished and contain differences.
  • The load/save screen background has changed to blue, the color seen in the final version.
  • This is the first known build to incorporate the voice acting for Frogger, Lillie, Swampy, and others.
  • The Frogger 2 logo in the main menu is extremely low quality.
  • Level completion fanfare now appears identical to final version.

