Mortal Kombat: Deception (Aug 29, 2004 Xbox prototype)

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Title Screen
Mortal Kombat: Deception (Aug 29, 2004 Xbox prototype)
Build date Aug 29, 2004 22:23:34
Build name 0.082
Dump status Released, redump needed
Dumped by EPSYLON
Released by EPSYLON
File release date October 8, 2004
Lot Old Scene (BBS)
Files eps-mkd
Game Mortal Kombat: Deception
System Xbox
Genre Fighting
Final build EU Sep 24, 2004
US Sep 8, 2004
Release date US Oct 4, 2004
EU Nov 19, 2004
Download Mortal Kombat: Deception (Aug 29, 2004 Xbox prototype) (info)
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A late prototype of Mortal Kombat: Deception for the Microsoft Xbox.


  • Built 10 days before the first available final build.
  • Most of the music and some sounds are missing.
  • Some of the text on the arcade ladder still uses a font from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, the previous game.
  • The game says "Fatality" after Onaga explodes upon completion of arcade mode. This would later be removed in the retail build.
  • Subtitles are missing from the character endings.
  • The MK Soundtrack screen is empty and will display placeholder text when the player presses play.
  • Whenever a mission is completed in Konquest, a flashing green glow appears around the mission complete text, which was also removed in the retail build.
  • The background used for the mission complete graphic is also colored green instead of yellow.
  • The art folder comes with .ssi scripts that were used to generate the SSF archives.



                                 _/        \
                           ____ /          /
                   ____  _/   //          / __
            ___  _/   / /    //          / /  \_  ___
            \__\ \___/ /    //          / /____/ /__/   E P S Y L O N
   ______       _________  / _____     /   _____ _____   ______      ______
 _/   __/_______\___    /\ _/  __/\_____  /    //    /\_/      \____/     /\
 \    _>/    _    |/   /__\\__     _    \/    _     / /   _/     _  \    /  \
 /   /_/    //    /_____    //    //    /    //    /_/   //  /    \     /   /
/_____     //_____|\   /____     //____     //______/\______/\ ___/    /_  /
\    /_____\\      \\__\   /____/ \   /_____\\      \ \     \ \  /______/\/
 \___\      \\______\   \__\___ \  \__\      \\______\/\_____\/\_\      \ \
      \______\           /____/\_\/    \______\             h7/dS!\______\/
                         \    \ \
       P R E S E N T S    \____\/               

          Title....: Mortal Kombat Deception (c) Midway         

          Supplier.: Secret        -  Date.....: 10/07/2004
          Cracker..: EPSYLON       -  Genre....: Fighting
          Platform.: XBOX          -  Files....: 54x50MB
          Origin...: PAL/EURO      -  Filename.: eps-mkd.rar
          Type.....: DVD           -  Ripped...: nothing

              /___/\ ____
  __   ____  _\__ \ /___/\
   // /___/\/   /\_\\___\/
      \___\/___/  \                       
 - ------- \___\__/ -- Comments ---------------------------------------- -- -

     Shocking and evil, Mortal Kombat: Deception pushes martial arts-style
     fighting and the Mortal Kombat franchise to new heights with an      
     innovative fighting system, unparalleled depth and brutally intense
     action that will appeal to long-time Mortal Kombat fans as well as 
     next-generation gamers. The game features lightning-fast hand-to-hand
     and special weapons combat, secret and returning characters, moves and
     combinations with new death-dealing battles and fatalities. 


      We patched this game so it should run fine on beta chips n shit like that. Enjoy!

              /___/\ ____
  __   ____  _\__ \ /___/\
   // /___/\/   /\_\\___\/
      \___\/___/  \                    
 - ------- \___\__/ -- News -------------------------------------------- -- -

   .. . We are currently looking for the following . ..
      . Suppliers of XBOX/PS2-DVDS and fast Ulspeed
      . Ppl that can code intros/trainers for XBOX/PS2
      . Thats it for now, Cheers!
              /___/\ ____
  __   ____  _\__ \ /___/\
   // /___/\/   /\_\\___\/
      \___\/___/  \           
 - ------- \___\__/ -- Greetings --------------------------------------- -- -

                        Goes to everyone who deserves It!   
                             _    .         :    _
 _ __ ___________________  ___\   :         |   /___  __________________ __ _
                         \\\__\\__|    .    |__//__///
                                  |___ : ___|
                                  /__/\|/\__\ h7/dS!
                           - Somewhere Out In Space -