Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (Mar 25, 2000 prototype)

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Title Screen
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (Mar 25, 2000 prototype)
Build date Mar 25, 2000 19:06:02
Dump status Released
File release date May 21, 2017
Origin GD-R
Labels Tony Hawks Pro Skater v1.000 2000-03-18 U GD-R Beta
Ownership BANANABREAK (Present?)
Game Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
System Dreamcast
Genre Sports - Skateboarding
Final build US Apr 17, 2000
EU Apr 17, 2000
Release date US Jun 29, 2000
EU Jun 29, 2000
JP Unreleased
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A prototype of the Sega Dreamcast port of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, dated less than a month before the final build.


  • All levels are unlocked, despite the level select screen claiming differently.

Cheat codes

This build has additional debug cheats enabled, which can be entered when pausing the game, holding the L button and entering the following codes. A shaking pause screen confirms the successful entry.

Always full special meter A, Y, B, Down, Up, Right XTCDUR
Autotest Y, Up, X, Y, Up, Right TUSTUR Doesn't function.
Big head X, B, Up, Left, Left SCULL The player select screen displays the big heads correctly but in-game, instead of the players head, the trucks of the board become huge.
Debug panel and build date Down, Down, Y, Down, Down, Y DDT DDT
End run X, Up, Y, X, Up, Y CUT CUT
FPS counter and stats display Down, Up, Left, Left, Down, Up, Left, Left DULL DULL Enabled from the start.
Kid mode B, Up, Left, Left, X CULLS Doesn't function.
Level Select Y, Right, Up, X, Y, ,Left, Up, X, Y, TRUST LUST
Perfect balance Right, Up, Left, X RULS
Play as Private Carrera Y, Up, Y, Up, B, Up, Left, Y TUTU CULT This code replaces Officer Dick with Private Carrera. It is not registered in the pause menu, but does in fact work.
Remove HUD X, Left, Up, Y SLUT
Score x10 Y, X, Y, Up, Down, Up TXTUDU
Screenshots B, Up, Left, Left, X CULLS This code won't work because of the missing SELECT button the PlayStation would have.
X, B, Right, A SCRX
Skip to restart X, B, A, Up, Down SCXUD Enabled from the start.
Slow motion X, Left, Up, X, Left SLUSL
Stats at 3 Down, Up, Down, A, X DUD XS
Stats at 10 X, Y, Up, Down STUD
Stats at 13 A, X, X, Y, Up, Down XS STUD
Toggle blood Right, Up, X, Y RUST
Unlock everything B, Right, Up, Down, B, Right, Up, X, Y CRUD CRUST
