Pokémon Ranger (Dec 14, 2006 EU Kiosk demo)

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Pokémon Ranger (Dec 14, 2006 EU Kiosk demo)
Build date Dec 14, 2006
Dump status Released
Dumped by Zammis Clark
Released by Anonymous
Lot 2018 Nintendo data breach



Game Pokémon Ranger
System Nintendo DS
Genre Action, Role-Playing, Action-Adventure
Release date JP Mar 23, 2006
NA Oct 30, 2006
AU Dec 7, 2006
EU Apr 3, 2007

A Kiosk demo of Pokémon Ranger for the Nintendo DS.


  • The build date was based on what was written at Retro Reversing.
  • Although "tycho_trial001_eu_0612141113DSf.bin" matches the final version, "tycho_trial001_eu_0612141113DSm.bin" is not used.
  • At least the game can get to the menu in DeSmuME 0.9.13.

Warning: Do not link to this build; It is a first party Nintendo prototype, and furthermore it was obtained via illegal means.