Talk:Far Cry 3 (List of Unplayable Builds)

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Is there anyone who has been able to successfully run these files in any way?

I would also like to know that. Maybe if you add this world to a functional build, maybe it will be possible. The only problem is how to try to access this because the only way I know how to do this is to go through Xenia and add certain parameters to go directly to this world, but I never managed to do it. this functional.

All I want to do really is play something close to this: .This seems to be from before the E3 presentation

Well, [[1]] I think it contains all the worlds, just everything else is missing. perhaps merging with Far Cry 3 (Mar 30, 2012 Multiplayer prototype) in devkit mode (since interestingly putting the fcc_main of this build will require this. Luckily there are modified versions of xenia capable of this) it may be possible to make the functional build? I don't have a powerful PC to test this honestly.