Cocoto Kart Racer (Prototype)

From Hidden Palace
Revision as of 01:28, January 3, 2024 by Tikal. (talk | contribs)
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Title Screen
Cocoto Kart Racer (Prototype)
Dump status Released
Dumped by Trashman
Released by Trashman
File release date Aug 21, 2006
Origin Developer cartridge
Labels NTCMA 1306
Dump method WRG NDS-Dumper v1.4
Game Cocoto Kart Racer
System Nintendo DS
Genre Racing
Release date JP Mar 23, 2006
US Sep 25, 2007
EU Jan 1, 2005
Download Cocoto Kart Racer (Prototype) (info)
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A prototype of Cocoto Kart Racer for the Nintendo DS.



               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█                              WWWWWWWW@      █▌
               ▐█                          W#.............W   █▌
               ▐█                       @#..................# ▀▌
               ▐█                     #+......................W
               ▐█                    W.........................:
               ▐█                   +............................#
               ▐█                  +..............................+
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               ▐█                W.................................+
               ▐█                +++................................W
               ▐█               W+++:................................W
               ▐█               ++++.........W........................
               ▐█              *++++:......WWWW.....................,W
               ▐█              W++++:.....WWW  W...................W
               ▐█              ++++++....WWWW   ...................W  W
               ▐█              ++++++.....WWW   W..................W@ W
               ▐█             W++++++...WWWWWW  +.................@WW W
               ▐█             W++++++...WW#WWWW W.................WWWWW
               ▐█            W#++++++...+W*WWWWWW.................WWWWW
               ▐█          W,.+++++++....@*WWWWWW.................WWWWW
               ▐█          ,,W+++++++...+W*WWWWWW.................WWWWW
               ▐█         W,,W+++++++...W***@WW*W.................WWW*W
               ▐█       @**,,.++++++++..W @****##.................+**@W
               ▐█      W**#,,.W+++++++...WWWWWW........................
               ▐█     W+***,,[email protected]
               ▐█    W*+***,,[email protected]
               ▐█   W****++,,,.WW@++W...:..............................W
               ▐█  W+++****,,,[email protected].................*.....+....W*
               ▐█ +******+@,,..W....:+:..+........................#W.
               ▐▀ **+*****W,,.W+...++++...+.@W*++...............W...******@@@W
               ▐ W*+*****W,,,W.....+++++.................W*...W:..@..........
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       │   ██    ██   ██      ███ ███     ███  ███ ██ ██ ██      ███ ██   ██│
       │   ██    ██████  ████████ ███████ ████████ ██ ██ ██ ████████ ██   ██│
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.......*     @**+*****,,,,@.......:[email protected] ▌
........#    W***+*+**,,,,W........W.............:........... ▄▌
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+++W+...:++++++++++++++..........+++++++++W@@+++...........W  █▌
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W++++++++++++++++*W++++..........#W@@WW*  W++++............   █▌
   *WWWWWWW@** ▐▄  ++++..........W         +++............#   █▌
               ▐█  ++++..........W         #+.............:   █▌
               ▐█  ++++..........W         *+............W    █▌
               ▐█  *++++.........*         +............W     █▌
               ▐█  W++++.........         W+.............@    █▌
               ▐█  W++++.........         W:..............W   █▌
               ▐█  W+++++........          W...........#WW*   █▌
               ▐█  @+++++:.......@            WW*.......+     █▌
               ▐█  +++++++.......*                   *@@      █▌
               ▐█  #++@W*+....WWWW                            █▌
               ▐█        W:..+                                █▌
               ▐█                                 cAUGHt      █▌
               ▐█                                 4 yOUr      █▌
               ▐█                               eNJOYMENTz    █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█              Cocoto Kart Rider              █▌
               ▐█        (C) Neko/Big Ben Interactive         █▌
               ▐█             -PROTOTYPE VERSION-             █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█  Region ........ EUR   MekaX ...... Supply  █▌
               ▐█  Type .......... NDS   21.o8.o6 . Released  █▌
               ▐█  Size ...... 256MBiT   xX.Xx.xX ... Street  █▌
               ▐█  Name .   English .. Language  █▌
               ▐█  Save ... xxxxxx xxx   WRG.v1.4 ... Dumper  █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█    Remember when it comes to tRM, we say:   █▌
               ▐█      'for teh gamers, fuck teh lamers!'     █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█  Before you can saw what the fuck, here we  █▌
               ▐█  are with  another  unique  find  from the  █▌
               ▐█  dumpster.  This  time  something  for the  █▌
               ▐█  prototype  crowd, a  little  something to  █▌
               ▐█  drool over (yes, pics are included :).     █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█      . FROM OUR DUMPSTER TO YOUR NDS .      █▌
               ▐█      :    REAL PIRATES NEVER STOP    :      █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█  Fresh Peg-Legs, and Eye-Patches to those   █▌
               ▐█  who still remember us from glory days :)   █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█  Cocoto's sacred pot has disappeared!       █▌
               ▐█ *Theft of my pot would result in death btw* █▌
               ▐█  If they can╞t find it quickly the imps     █▌
               ▐█  might soon lose all of their powers!       █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█  There is only one way they can regain      █▌
               ▐█  there powers: defeat all of their enemies  █▌
               ▐█  in a series of cutthroat races in a bid to █▌
               ▐█  gain possession of the mysterious pot!     █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█  Win the championship to save our friendly  █▌
               ▐█  imps! Take your pick: Cocoto, Shiny, Neuro █▌
               ▐█  or Baggy. You can also choose to play on   █▌
               ▐█  the side of the bad guys and win the pot   █▌
               ▐█  in the name of your savior, the evil       █▌
               ▐█  Zaron.                                     █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█  Undumped GBA:     █▌
               ▐█  Undumped NDS:     █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█  Only contact us if you can fulfill below:  █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█  * Provide (pre-)retail, unreleased, or     █▌
               ▐█  | undumped titles for GBA/NDS.             █▌
               ▐█  | We do not disclose info about suppliers. █▌
               ▐█  | Your contribution will be rewarded.      █▌
               ▐█  |                                          █▌
               ▐█  * Provide anything that might be useful    █▌
               ▐█  | or of interest to us. (Tools, software,  █▌
               ▐█  | dev kits, docs, etc.)                    █▌
               ▐█  |                                          █▌
               ▐█  * Sites/Affils/Currys/etc, feel free to    █▌
               ▐█  | contact us with inquiries as well, we    █▌
               ▐█  | enjoy occasional laughs.                 █▌
               ▐█  |                                          █▌
               ▐█  * You need to know where to find our       █▌
               ▐█  | release, yes, email us..we will quickly  █▌
               ▐█  | add you to every spam database, porn     █▌
               ▐█  | list, and newsletter we can find. DO NOT █▌
               ▐█  | MAKE US DO THIS TO YOU!!                 █▌
               ▐█  |                                          █▌
               ▐█   `-------------------> [email protected]    █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█ ### . Name                .RGN.MBs. Date  . █▌
               ▐█ 001 Electroplankton        JPN 128 16/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 002 Need For Speed: UG2    USA 256 16/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 003 Yoshi, Touch & Go      USA 128 16/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 004 Feel the Magic: XY-XX  USA 256 16/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- WarioWare Touched!     USA 256 17/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 005 Polarium               USA 064 17/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 006 Puyo, Puyo Fever       JPN 256 17/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 007 Pac-Pix                EUR 128 17/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 008 Star Wars: Ep III      EUR 256 17/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 009 Robots                 EUR 256 17/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Super Mario 64 DS      JPN 128 17/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 010 Pokemon Dash           USA 128 17/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 011 Mr. Driller: Drl Sprt  JPN 128 17/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 012 Kirby: Canvas Course   USA 512 17/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 013 GoldenEye: Rogue Agent USA 128 17/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Super Mario 64 DS      USA 128 18/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 014 Mr. Driller: Drl Sprt  EUR 128 20/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 015 Sprung: Dating Game    EUR 256 20/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 016 Zoo Keeper             EUR 064 20/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Another Code: Two Mem  EUR 256 24/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Super Mario 64 DS 1.1  USA 128 26/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 017 Naruto 3               JPN 512 27/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 018 Robots                 USA 256 27/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Metroid Prime DEMO     USA 128 28/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ 019 Spinter Cell: Chaos    USA 512 28/06/05 █▌
               ▐█ ------------------------------------------- █▌
               ▐█ 020 WarioWare Touched!     USA 256 03/07/05 █▌
               ▐█ 021 Super Mario 64 DS      JPN 128 03/07/05 █▌
               ▐█ 022 Super Mario 64 DS      USA 128 03/07/05 █▌
               ▐█ 023 Super Mario 64 DS 1.1  USA 128 03/07/05 █▌
               ▐█ 024 Another Code: Two Mem  EUR 128 04/07/05 █▌
               ▐█ 025 Ganbare Goemon: Toukai JPN 512 14/07/05 █▌
               ▐█ 026 Nintendogs: Dachshund  JPN 256 14/07/05 █▌
               ▐█ 027 Sawaru: Made in Wario  JPN 256 15/07/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Zelda Twilight DEMO    USA 064 15/07/05 █▌
               ▐█ 028 Bomberman              EUR 064 18/07/05 █▌
               ▐█ 029 Naruto RPG 2           JPN 256 21/07/05 █▌
               ▐█ 030 Rayman DS              EUR 256 24/07/05 █▌
               ▐█ ------------------------------------------- █▌
               ▐█ 031 Animaniacs: L, C, A!   EUR 128 06/08/05 █▌
               ▐█ 032 Jump Super Stars       JPN 512 08/08/05 █▌
               ▐█ 033 Lunar Genesis          JPN 256 25/08/05 █▌
               ▐█ 034 Full Metal Alc: DS     JPN 256 25/08/05 █▌
               ▐█ ------------------------------------------- █▌
               ▐█ 035 Pac'n Roll             USA 256 23/09/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Daigasso BB: Request   JPN 032 28/09/05 █▌
               ▐█ 036 Trace Memory           USA 256 29/09/05 █▌
               ▐█ ------------------------------------------- █▌
               ▐█ 037 Whac-A-Mole            USA 064 01/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 038 Madden NFL 06          EUR 256 02/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 039 ATARIMIX: Happy 10     JPN 128 04/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 040 GoldenEye: Rogue Agent EUR 128 04/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 041 Pokemon Dash           EUR 256 04/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 042 Kenshuui Tendo Dokuta  JPN 128 05/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 043 Nintendogs: Chihuahua  EUR 512 07/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 044 Nintendogs: Dachshund  EUR 512 07/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 045 Maravel Nemesis: ROTI  USA 512 14/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 046 Zoo Tycoon             USA 128 14/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 047 The Urbz: Sims ITC     EUR 256 14/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 048 Ultimate Spider-Man    FRA 512 14/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 049 Madagascar             EUR 128 15/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 050 Ping Pals              EUR 128 17/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 051 Ultimate Spider-Man    EUR 512 17/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 052 Scooby-Doo! Unmasked   USA 128 20/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 053 Dig-Dug: Digging Strke USA 128 22/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 054 Spyro: Shadow Legacy   USA 512 25/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 055 Spider-Man 2 (AS2P)    EUR 128 26/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 056 Cocoto: Kart Racer     EUR 256 27/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 057 GoldenEye: ASDM        FRA 128 28/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 058 Pac'n Roll             EUR 256 28/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ 059 Spyro: Shadow Legacy   EUR 512 31/10/05 █▌
               ▐█ ------------------------------------------- █▌
               ▐█ 060 Marvel Nemesis: ROTI   EUR 512 02/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 061 Nintendogs: BF         USA 256 03/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 062 Spider-Man 2 (AS2X)    EUR 128 04/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 063 TMNT 3: Mutant Nghtmre USA 256 04/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 064 The Sims 2             EUR 512 10/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 065 Harry Potter: GoF      EUR 512 11/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 066 Shamu's Deep Sea Adv   USA 256 14/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 067 SBSP: Yellow Avenger   USA 256 15/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 068 Texas Hold'Em Poker DS USA 256 15/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 069 Harry Potter: GoF      USA 512 16/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 070 Scooby-Doo! Unmasked   EUR 128 18/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 071 Zoo Tycoon (AZTX)      EUR 128 18/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 072 Gyakuten Saiban        JPN 512 19/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 073 The Masquerade Lullaby JPN 512 19/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 074 SEGA Casino            USA 064 19/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 075 Pac-Pix                JPN 128 21/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 076 Simple DS2 Blds (v1.1) JPN 064 21/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ 077 Ford Racing 3          USA 064 28/11/05 █▌
               ▐█ ------------------------------------------- █▌
               ▐█ 078 Elf Bowling 1 & 2      USA 064 05/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ 079 Battles of P of P      USA 256 14/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ 080 Bust-a-Move DS         USA 256 14/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Pac-Man World 3 *iNT*  USA 256 19/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Kirby: Canvas C. KIOSK USA 512 20/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Nintendogs KIOSK       USA 256 20/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Nintendogs KIOSK RELAY USA 256 20/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ 081 Monop Boggl Yahtz Batt USA 256 20/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Project Rub KIOSK      EUR 128 23/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Feel The Magic KIOSK   USA 256 23/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Pac-Pix KIOSK          USA 064 23/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Super Mario 64 KIOSK   USA 128 23/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Warioware Touch. KIOSK USA 128 23/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Yoshi Touch and KIOSK  EUR 128 23/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Mario Kart DS KIOSK    USA 128 24/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ --- Nintendogs KIOSK       EUR 512 25/12/05 █▌
               ▐█ ------------------------------------------- █▌
               ▐█ 082 Dragon Booster         USA 512 13/01/06 █▌
               ▐█ 083 Nicktoons Unite!       USA 128 13/01/06 █▌
               ▐█ 084 Devilish               EUR 128 13/01/06 █▌
               ▐█ 085 Billiard Action        EUR 064 18/01/06 █▌
               ▐█ 086 King Kong (v1.1)       EUR 256 20/01/06 █▌
               ▐█ 087 True Swing Golf        USA 512 25/01/06 █▌
               ▐█ 088 GH Trnmnt Pntball MAXd USA 1Gb 26/01/06 █▌
               ▐█ 089 Mario & Luigi: PiT     EUR 512 27/01/06 █▌
               ▐█ 090 Chrncls of Nrni (A2WX) EUR 512 27/01/06 █▌
               ▐█ ------------------------------------------- █▌
               ▐█ 091 Tamagotchi Connection  USA 256 02/02/06 █▌
               ▐█ 092 Finding Nemo: EttBB    USA 256 08/02/06 █▌
               ▐█ 093 The Rub Rabbits        USA 1Gb 09/02/06 █▌
               ▐█ --- Mario&Luigi: PiT KIOSK EUR 256 12/02/06 █▌
               ▐█ 094 Nanostray              EUR 128 17/02/06 █▌
               ▐█ 095 SMBall: Touch & Roll   USA 512 23/02/06 █▌
               ▐█ ------------------------------------------- █▌
               ▐█ 096 FIFA Street 2          USA 256 03/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ 097 Viewtiful Joe: DT!     FRA 512 03/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ 098 Blades of Thunder II   USA 128 06/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ 099 Texas Hold 'Em PP      USA 128 06/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ 100 Ping Pals              FRA 128 09/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ 101 Bust-a-Move DS         EUR 256 10/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ 102 Lunar Genesis          EUR 256 10/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ 103 Space Invaders Rev.    USA 128 10/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ 104 Big Mutha Truckers     USA 064 11/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ 105 Viewtiful Joe: DT!     iTA 512 13/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ 106 Tao's Adventure: CotDS USA 512 22/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ 107 Madagascar             FRA 128 23/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ 108 Worms: Open Warfare    USA 128 23/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ 109 Viewtiful Joe: DT!     EUR 512 30/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ --- Castlevania: DOS KIOSK EUR 512 30/03/06 █▌
               ▐█ ------------------------------------------- █▌
               ▐█ 110 Brain Age: TYBiMaD!    USA 128 05/04/06 █▌
               ▐█ 111 Top Spin 2             EUR 256 06/04/06 █▌
               ▐█ 112 Top Spin 2             USA 256 07/04/06 █▌
               ▐█ --- Animal Cross: WW KIOSK EUR 512 08/04/06 █▌
               ▐█ --- Viewtiful Joe:DT KIOSK EUR 512 08/04/06 █▌
               ▐█ 113 Franklin's Great Adv.  USA 064 12/04/06 █▌
               ▐█ 114 MegaMan BN 5: DT DS    EUR 512 21/04/06 █▌
               ▐█ 115 Guilty Gear DS         USA 256 26/04/06 █▌
               ▐█ --- LostMagic              EUR 128 28/04/06 █▌
               ▐█ --- LostMagic *DIRFIX*     EUR 128 28/04/06 █▌
               ▐█ ------------------------------------------- █▌
               ▐█ 116 Top Gun                USA 128 06/05/06 █▌
               ▐█ 117 Miss Spider's HTHaF    USA 128 20/05/06 █▌
               ▐█ ------------------------------------------- █▌
               ▐█ 118 Magnetica              USA 064 06/06/06 █▌
               ▐█ --- Brain Trning: HoiYB KI EUR 128 28/06/06 █▌
               ▐█ --- Brain Trning: HoiYB KI AUS 064 29/06/06 █▌
               ▐█ --- Big Brain Acdmy KIOSK  EUR 128 30/07/06 █▌
               ▐█ ------------------------------------------- █▌
               ▐█ --- Cocoto Kart Rdr PROTO  EUR 256 21/08/06 █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█       - ETY - WRG - OLDSKOOL - PSY -        █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█      - ALL GROUPS KEEPING GBA ALIVE -       █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█    - NO-INTRO, WE <3 YER MISSING.PDF's -    █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█                  .:R.I.P:.                  █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█           LEGENDS.OF.TEH.GBA.ERA:           █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█   Eurasia, Mode7, Cezar, Venom, Rising Sun  █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█    Emerging PSP/NDS Scene may bring these   █▌
               ▐█      sleeping giants out of hibernation     █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█              (Told ya so.  :P)              █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█     sPECiAL eLiTe sHOUTs tO LiGHTFOrCe      █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐████████████▓▒░ tRaSHMaN-2KsEX ░▒▒▓████████████▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐█    DUMPING TRASH, SO YOU CAN PLAY WITH IT   █▌
               ▐█                                             █▌
               ▐██▓▒░ ░▒▒▓█████████████████████████████████████▌
