Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage (Feb 1, 2001 Debug)

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Title Screen
Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage (Feb 1, 2001 Debug)
Build date Febuary 1, 2001
Build name 02.01d-PRERELEASE
Dump status Released
Origin Cartidge
Labels THQ contact information
Game Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage
System Nintendo 64
Genre Role-playing Game
Download Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage (Feb 1, 2001 Debug) (info)
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This is a Debug version of the game compiled on February 1st 2001. It features a frame counter, faster splash screens, and several debug features.


The Cutting Room Floor research

Splash screens appear for only a few frames, and two have compile information on them

A few cheat codes have altered effects. "!cheater" and "!bingo" can be entered multiple times, and "!version" does not toggle a player coordinates display.


  • Start game: skip name entry and opening cinematic.
  • Intermediate game: As above, start in Erromon

During cutscenes:

  • B: skip cutscene. Also skips any changes to inventory or party.
  • Start: Camera menu - allows to change focus and position of camera. May cause crashing if option doesn't change position.

Outside combat:

  • L+Start: Big debug menu
  • L+DpadL: load less map chunks at a time.
  • R+DpadR: replace map objects with intangible boulders
  • R+Start: Toggle debug message queue
  • Z+Start: smaller debug menu
  • C-UP: cycle performance statistics, including RAM/CPU usage, player coordinates, current ground type, and tints character models at certain intervals.
  • R+B: Toggle full minimap (when applicable)

During Combat:

  • L+Z+B+A: End/win combat
  • L+Z+B+Start: End enemy's turn

Smaller Debug Menu:

  • Teleport: takes you to some select locations
  • Actor: changes player into guard or very fast chicken.
  • Combat: Shuffled battle encounter - generates an assortment of combatants in a random stage.
  • Combat Arena Random Test: Above, but select the stage
  • Combat Arena Enemy Test: 1v1 an enemy in a selected stage

Big Debug Menu: Many functions are dummied out, except for those listed below:

  • All Game states: View and change every event flag
  • game state cheats: toggle the states for certain or all game objects.
  • Add Party Members: add a member to your party
  • clear everything out of Inventory: removes all items not equipped on party.
  • load only the inventory from a saved game: displays credits over gameplay instead.
  • toggle game settings: toggles switches, which do not seem to be implemented.
  • toggle monster attack: monsters will not initiate combat.
  • turn off everything but teleporters: disables all game objects that don't move player
  • Access database: menu with every item in game. pressing A adds that item to inventory.
  • hunt for bad reference objects: teleports the player every few seconds to each of the objects on the current map. With debug messages on, displays object type and position. Enemies will not fight you while this happens.

During game Crash:

  • A: Cycle info screens
  • Up/Down/Left/Right: Seek through Heap Walk (shown below.)


Aidyn debug splash.png Aidyn debug crash.png Aidyn debug heap.png Aidyn debug menu big.png Aidyn debug menu small.png Aidyin debug main.png

