Alfred Chicken (SNES prototype)

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Alfred Chicken (SNES prototype)
Dump status Released
Dumped by Accumulators
Released by Accumulators
File release date December 15, 1993
Lot Old Scene (BBS)
Game Alfred Chicken
System SNES
Genre Platformer
Release date US Feb 1994
EU 1994
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A prototype of Alfred Chicken (also known as Super Alfred Chicken in the US) for the SNES.


  • European prototype.
  • Originally a scene release; has since been redumped.


     /\                                      /\                       _______
    /  \ _____ ____ _ __ ___  ___ __ __ __  /  \ ________ __  ______ /      /
   /    \  __/  __/  /  |   \/   |  /  |  |/    \ _   __/   \|   _  \   ___/
  /  |   \/___ /___ /   |        | /   |  |   |  \/   |      \     _/__    \
 /   __   \  /    /     |   \ /  |     |  |__ __  \   |   |   \     \      /
/____|     \/____/______|____/   |_____|     ||    \ _| ______/_|    \    /
     |______\               /____|     |_____||_____\           |_____\ _/-Ch-

                          ThE ACCuMULaTOrS PreSEnTS:

                ALfReD ChICKeN FrOM MiNDsCAPE [8MBiT/SNeS/SmC]
               SuPPLiED bY ThE ACC DuO - CiTYHuNTeR & WiSE MaN
                        RELeASED On 15th DEC 93

                               -=- OuR BoARDS -=-

                    SaNCTuARY        [WHQ]      1-708-969-8325
                    R a P E          [USHQ]     1-503-758-0019
                    UnDeRWoRLD       [USHQ]     1-916-364-5931

        GReeTiNGS tO ALL EsPeCIaLLY - ChP, CaLiFBoY, SPeEDMaSTER, M.BiSoN,
                      RAiDER, FaLLEN AnGEL, ICe CuBE & NeWWoRLD 

See also