Alien Hominid (Milestone 4 prototype)

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Alien Hominid (Milestone 4 prototype)
Build name Milestone 4
Dump status Released
Released by shizmo
File release date 2006
Game Alien Hominid
System Gizmondo
Release date Unreleased
Download Alien Hominid (Milestone 4 prototype) (info)
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A prototype of the unreleased Gizmondo port for Alien Hominid


  • Zoo Digital Publishing and Tuna Technologies are credited upon bootup, though Gizmondo themselves are also credited as a publisher on places such as IGN.


      _____ _____ _ _____ _____ _____ 
     |   __|  |  |_|__   |     |     |
     |__   |     | |   __| | | |  |  |
               Alien Hominid       :
        :                :  info   :
        :                :.........:
        : System......: Gizmondo
        : Files.......: 01x1Mb
        : OS..........: WinCE
        : Protection..: 1024bit RSA1           
        : notes  :                 :
        :........:                 :
         If you did not already,   :
         update your giz to allow  :
         homebrew.                 :
         Now copy the files in the :
         package to your SD/MMC    :
         and enjoy the game.       :
         This is an unprotected    :
         beta never released in    :
         stores.                   :
        : shizmo 2oo6 :                        