Bobby's World (Prototype)

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Title Screen
Bobby's World (Prototype)
Dump status Released
Dumped by NAPALM
Released by NAPALM
File release date Oct 10, 1994
Origin EPROM cartridge
Lot Old Scene (BBS)
Game Bobby's World
System SNES
Genre Action
Release date Unreleased
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A prototype of the unreleased Bobby's World for the SNES.


The Cutting Room Floor research


          _____    /  \                              )\
          \    \  /  _ \                             ) \
          / /\  \/  /_/_______ _________ _________  /.  \    ___________
         / /\ \    / \____   .\\____   .\\____   .\/.   /    \.        .\
        / /  \ \  / /.   /   ./.  _/   ./.   /   ./.   /____/.  _  _   ./
       / /    \ \/ /.       ./.   _____/.       ./.   /   ./.   /_/   ./
     _/_/  /\  \/ /.   /   ./.   /-A- /.   /   ./.       ./.   / /   ./
     \    /  \___/\___/\___/.   /     \___/\___/\________/\___/ /   ./
      \  /                \.   /                                \. ./
       \/                  \. /                                  \_/
<-- [ GaMe iNFoRMaTioN ] -----------------------------[ GaMe iNFoRMaTioN ] -->

            TITLE    : Bobby's World       COMPANY : HiTech Entertainment

            GAMEINFO : SNES/SMC/8Mb        DATE    : 10/10/94


   ____    /\     And the rest shall burn...
   \   \  / _\
   / /\ \/ /_/___ _____ _____  /\_  _______
  / /\ \  / \__  \\___ \\__  \/  /  \      \
 / /  \ \/ /  /  /  ___/  /  /  /__/  /_/  /
/_/ /\ \/ /     /  /  /     /     /  / /  /
\  /  \__/\_/\_/\_/-A-\_/\_/\____/\_/ /  /
-\/----------- * PRESENTS * ----------\_/---
   Bobby's World from HiTech Entertainment

See also

Read the article on this prototype on (Archive)