Dark Reign: The Future of War (Aug 28, 1997 prototype)

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Dark Reign: The Future of War (Aug 28, 1997 prototype)
Build date Aug 28, 1997 18:29:14
Dump status Released
Dumped by EFnet #Warez
Released by EFnet #Warez
File release date August 31, 1997
Lot Old Scene (BBS)
Files drbv99
Game Dark Reign: The Future of War
System PC
Genre RTS
Final build US Sep 5, 1997
Release date EU Sep 17, 1997
EU Sep 24, 1997
Download Dark Reign: The Future of War (Aug 28, 1997 prototype) (info)
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A late prototype of Dark Reign: The Future of War for the PC.


  • Dated about a week before the first available final build.
  • FMVs were stripped from the build by the scene group that released it.


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      _ __ _ _ __ -=îŸN‰Å=-
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             --__   \/  \/   ^   \|       _/      \     /   / 䟷ˆÅ
              --__                ú       \       /    /   /______
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                         ú  (C)oPYRIGHT 1995. aLL RIGHTS RESERVED
 ±±±³       dATE: ³  8/31/97   ³°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°³EFNET #WAREZ ³°°±±
 ±±±³   sOFTWARE: ³ dARK rEGIN (FINAL BETA) - bY aCTIVISION               ³°°±±
 ±±±³        OS:  ³ windows95 (& memphis)  - directx needed               ³°°±±    ±±±ÃÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÅÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÁÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÁÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ´°°±±
 ±±±³      dISKs: ³ 21   x 2.8        ÍÍÍÍÍ  installed : 116 megs         ³°°±±
 ±±±³pROCUREMENT: ³ #warez EfNet iRC  - the WHOLE crew getz credit.       ³°°±±
 ±±±					"all for one" 'n shit	          ³°°±±
 ±±±³   pACKAGER: ³ Z-crew		                                  ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³                                                       ³°°±±
 ±±±³    iNSTALL: ³    just your normal funk:                             ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³       rar x -v -y drbv99.rar                          ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³                                                       ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³     **note**                                          ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³        u must edit TACTICS.CFG for the installed	  ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³        dir...  easly stuff.         		  ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³                                                       ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³  -example-	       					  ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³    ; Where to look for game data			  ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³      HomeDir=d:\games\DKreign			  ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³							  ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³                                                       ³°°±±
		*	everything is included.. but FMV. it was      *
		*	removed for this release, some ppl bitch'd    *
		*	about it. BUT it is GREAT!!!		      *
		*	If 'nuff ppl ask for it, we'll do a addon.    *
		*						      *
		*          oh, FUCK U LAMER NEWBIE PIRASOFT 	      *	   	

 ±±±³             ³                                                       ³°°±±
 ±±±³      nOTES: ³  ***					          ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   first.. fuck'n pirasoft lame shitz. don't fucking   ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   release CRAP. their release was an old beta. Thanks ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   be to God that #warez is coming to save the day.    ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   here it is baby! the FULL DAMN FINAL DARK REIGN BETA.°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   the game is done, they are using this beta, not to  ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   test the game.. but thier internet service (active- ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   net.)					          ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   Also, what kinda group release directx (which u     ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   need) with their games. IT IS FREE BABY! blah!      ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³  ***						  ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   Dark Reign features new technology with some        ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   incredible new units and a vast array of awesome    ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   weapons. It also features real time line of         ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   sight, true altitudes, and a full waypoint system   ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   that allows you to create a path of points that     ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   units can follow. The future of war is here, and    ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   and the fate of humanity lies in your hands.        ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³                                                       ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   This is the final beta (ie locked code) folks!      ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   What makes this game REALLY great, is that you can  ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   make it anything you want. It comes with leeto map  ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   maker that will allow you to customize maps to      ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   fit your taste.                                     ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³                                                       ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   Get ready tho... This thing is over 100Mb fully     ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   installed so get out the RAID stack, and baton      ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   down the hatches cuz this puppy is big!             ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³                                                       ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³                                                       ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   => just a friendly reminder.. EfNet is the <=       ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   => only true iRC network. FUCK U ALL OTHER <=       ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   => WANNABE 'NETS!!!  			 <=       ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³                                                       ³°°±±
 ±±±³             ³   enjoy!                                              ³°°±±


  ú _XxxXxX_ ú bunik ú kero ú [eq] ú NaRciSSuS ú Chrome ú Atax ú genx ú
   ú [Mason] ú webby ú  Zig_1 ú Kao ú Dr_iCe ú [Alpha] ú O_minus ú noHup ú
 ú QUiZ ú Xtream ú Clubber ú Xer ú Devan ú Warl0ck ú metalfan ú AciDHeAd ú Ya ú 
 ú Beeyotch ú Ham ú Talen ú Revelate ú  Count0 ú Stiletto ú NKVD ú DrmWEver ú
 ú Heckler ú Asure ú Splicer ú ByT0r ú Vortex ú BiK ú [Shatter] ú sPREADER ú
  ú Devious ú MrPhallus ú Stumble ú Slapshot ú Lamer ú silky ú TheWarden ú 
  ú Mal2 ú Asudem ú asylum ú BasketCse ú DragonM ú Gemini ú SamF ú Shambala ú
  ú Sheiky ú Sputnik ú TCB ú TDF ú ZED ú synergy ú Zakna ú Clusterz ú Asclep ú
   ú vilas ú Zakath ú DeeCee ú Heckler ú EC ú [TRIBAL] ú Kitt ú BW ú h0sú
  ú aflux ú Flier ú imm ú JimmiE ú Lyrch ú Strops ú SubZer0 ú Tbag ú MrZZ ú
	ú sheik ú acidflash ú Aflux ú asylum ú [-ZiEl-] ú nomad ú BW ú dragonM ú
  ú Gomez ú tool ú frash ú sputnik ú habit ú jordy ú AtmaWeapn ú jimmie ú lotbd ú
    ú pdm ú spsycho ú zed ú zakath ú tkind ú ahnberg ú webb ú zaphon ú yb ú

hope I didnt forgot anyone :)

©PWA ú PWA ú class ú RiSC/NTA ú MenTOs ú Razor ú UCF ú
©RTS ú ZiLLiONZ ú SCuM ú OTFWi ú Sapphire ú fAtAl ú
ú and a big FAT yell to OTfW !! WhOoT! 

©StormSide ú metalfan ú Shambala ú yblud ú Mysticus ú GEMiNi ú 
ú habit ú lot ú mikh ú BlueBalls ú Jordy ú PennyWise ú MrZigzag ú
ú |karen| ú Jewelzy ú DollParts ú CRAYFiSH ú THE DUKE ú  kao ú 
ú BcLong ú  Paige ú leetbums everywhere ú ZIGGY BABY!! 
©And to the rest of the EleEts in #Warez & #Warez2 & #m8leech
(oh, you too in alternet) 


*this game fuck'n ROXS.. buy the shit when it comes out!