Dying Light (Aug 26, 2015 demo)

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Dying Light (Aug 26, 2015 demo)
Build date Aug 26, 2015
Dump status Released
File release date August 26, 2015
Origin steam
Game Dying Light
System PC
Genre Action, Role-Playing, First-Person Shooter
Release date WW Jan 27, 2015
Download Dying Light (Aug 26, 2015 demo) (info)
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A demo build of Dying Light for the PC.


  • The zip password is "nchardcore".
  • This demo was released a few months after the game's release and was possibly removed somewhere in 2016. From then on, this build was lost, but it was discovered that NC-HardcorE had it. He was then asked to make this build public and this was done on January 12, 2025. It should be noted that this build was previously released in Alpha Archive 1 by Draff on Aug 2, 2021.
  • The user will need to have the demo license for it to work. Since the player is unlikely to have this, the only option is download this (thanks NC-HardcorE) to run the game. This also allows the user to play multiplayer, although this has not been fully tested. For the patch to work as well, the user need to have steam installed.
  • Although the build date is August 26, 2015, the build name is 1.0.0. Interestingly, there are differences related to the retail versions that don't make much sense, such as Neil Fallon having a completely different model and among some other differences that can be found in the 2nd video below. It is unknown whether this build was built on top of a retail version or if it was built on a late prototype.
  • A Patch that removes most of the limitations can be found here.
