Fester's Quest (Prototype)

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Title Screen
Fester's Quest (Prototype)
Dump status Released
Dumped by Frank Cifaldi
Released by Josh Hamblin
File release date December 25, 2024
Origin NES-SKEPROM-01 cartridge
Lot Steven McKay Auction
EPROMs 2x Toshiba TC571001D-20
Labels Fester's Quest
Demo Cartridge
Sun Corporation of America (case)
Ownership Josh Hamblin (2024)
Game Fester's Quest
System NES
Genre Action
Release date US Sep 1989
EU Sep 14, 1990
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A prototype of Fester's Quest for the NES.


  • No NOA copyright
  • "demo cartridge" on start screen
WATA certification
Certification Number: 595776-016

Analysis: Frank Cifaldi

Object Analysis:

Object is an NES cartridge with a typewritten front label identifying the game's title and publisher, as well as its designation as a "Demo Cartridge." This is one of five identical-appearing cartridges sent by the submitter.

The circuit board inside bares part number NES-SKEPROM-01, a known Nintendo-supplied prototyping part. The board appears authentic, and the IC chips have manufacturing dates appropriate to the game's development period.

Data Analysis:

(Hash info is for the combined headerless ROM)

CRC-32: 9D30D9AC

SHA-1: 81F89E2F6D629CCE03154167EC567BF94D37CE38

SHA-256: 58E9294EA35EEFF28D61607F52038118058071E89874D9CDEAF7823978317C57

MD-5: 9123F8AA8B404CCC5A07D774581A938C

The data differs from the final game, and does not resemble any data available online. A gameplay demonstration shows different copyright info on the title screen - the prototype has a copyright of 1989 next to a Sunsoft logo graphic, while the final game simply says "LICENSED BY NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC." No gameplay differences were observed beyond this.

Provenance Notes:

According to the submitter, this item was purchased from the McLaren Auction Services "Vintage Nintendo Online-Only Auction," which ran from March 25 to April 1, 2022. McLaren claims that these items came from Steve McKay, former "General Manager of the Mexico Division" at Nintendo. Approximately 97 items from this auction were submitted to WATA at once. Given that the auction listings are not archived on McLaren's website, I was unable to verify each individual item as having come from the auction. However, I did view this auction when it was live, and can attest that the scope of this collection is in line with my memory of what was available.


Given the authentic parts used, the provenance, and the unique data available across the items from this McLaren auction, I have no reason to doubt the authenticity of this item.
