Gears of War (Sep 14, 2006 prototype)
Build date |
2006-09-14 0:00:00
Build name |
Dump status |
Released, redump needed
Dev Kit HDD
Lot |
Terarelease 3.0 (2022)
Gears of War
System |
Xbox 360
Genre |
Third Person Shooter
Final build |
US Oct 14, 2006
Release date |
US Nov 7, 2006
A prototype of Gears of War for the Xbox 360.
- Contains only the root folder, XGD, PE, and PDB files.
- Predates the final build by a month.
- Original filename: Gears of War (Sep 14, 2006) [Only Root - XGD, PEs and PDBs].rar
A huge thanks to Obscure Gamers and all who have contributed over the years to these Tera Releases!
See also
Gears of War prototypes
Gears of War assets