Grand Theft Auto (Nov 11, 1994 prototype)

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Grand Theft Auto (Nov 11, 1994 prototype)
Build date November 11, 1994
Dump status Released
Released by Mike Dailly
Game Grand Theft Auto
System PC
Genre Simulation
Final build EU October 16, 1997
US February 9, 1998
Release date EU November 28, 1997
US March 24, 1998
Download Grand Theft Auto (Nov 11, 1994 prototype) (info)
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A small proof of concept showing the game from a sideways perspective, before being changed for bearing too much resemblance to Syndicate Wars.


  • Formerly hosted on Mike Dailly's website (Archive).


GTA ProtoType 1 By Mike Dailly  
    Written on a 486DX66

I did this back in 94 (11/11/94 was the date on the CD), and it was 
going to be GTA (or "race and chase" as it was then - cops and robbers was the other name considered). 
However, after the initial code was implemented ion the game, syndicate wars appeared in a magazine. 
It was a little too close for our liking, on top of this, Keith was also having some 
problems his version of the engine, since mine was written in pascal+assembler, 
Keith had to rewrite it in "C", and speed wasnt holding. (See GTA prototype 2)

This engine is fairly simple, it has 4 "basic" points on the gound. These are placed on an 
elipse and rotated; this forms the corners for the world. I then draw lines from each corner 
and build a "grid". So, now I have a rotating GRID, I then build points vertically to make
a rotating CUBE array.

Using a 3D map array Map[x][y][z] I set a a cube type and then render these cubes in the correct
place in the rotating cube array - follow that? :)

Each map section can also have an offset, the idea being that whole buildings could be destroyed 
easily, and smoothly.

Z     - Rotate Left
X     - Rotate Right
< >   - Tilt Angle
Space - remove roofs/ground
ESC   - quit

See also