Halo 4 (Dec 21, 2011 prototype)
Build date |
2011-12-21 11:31:54
Build name |
Dump status |
Dev Kit HDD
Lot |
Terarelease 3.0 (2022)
Halo 4
System |
Xbox 360
Genre |
First Person Shooter
Final build |
US Sep 23, 2012
Release date |
US Nov 6, 2012
A prototype of Halo 4 for the Xbox 360.
- Predates the final build by 9 months.
- Original filename: Halo 4 (Dec 21, 2011) [09550.] [Cache Build] [Debug Enabled] [Fragged Map Files].rar
- This build does not feature random crashing other than some maps and campaign missions not loading.
- The levels are now in listed in an order but they are pretty much unplayable. Either not loading or you cant move/see.
- Maps listed:
- Cavern
- Complex
- Fortress
- Gore Valley
- Testchamber
- War House
- Wraparound - Adrift
- Complex has made some progress in development with now looking near release shape but no textures.
- Falcon and Revenant are likely flagged to be removed as their names are blank in the Forge menu.
- Mantis is still hidden but can be found in the (Oct 20, 2011) build on Sandtrap of all places.
- Gore Valley (Longbow) does not launch on this build.
- Match End screen looks more complete.
- Forge has its UI options back when hovering an object.
Complex has finally seen some progress compared to older builds. Looking close to release version.
Reach's Falcon and Warthog are still present. The Revenant has a makeover but never got used.
The Match End screen is looking more complete. The UI getting more stable/complete with this build.
A huge thanks to Obscure Gamers and all who have contributed over the years to these Tera Releases!