Homefront (DLC Unlock MP prototype)

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Homefront (DLC Unlock MP prototype)
Dump status Released
Dumped by David
Released by ObscureGamers
File release date July 8, 2022
Origin PartnerNET
Lot Terarelease 3.0 (2022)
Files 408D6B14BCF91BCC4E082532A051F2C7B6C98D6154
Game Homefront
System Xbox 360
Genre FPS
Release date Unreleased
Download Homefront (DLC Unlock MP prototype) (info)
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A prototype DLC of Homefront for the Xbox 360.


  • This DLC an be found in the extracted devkit folder called TheSharedUnimatrix (owned by David) from Terarelease 3.0.
  • The DLC has the description "Remove any restrictions on MP gameplay and content" and contains a file called "UnlockMP.txt" with the text "Test file for UnlockMP DLC". It is unknown if the DLC works.


A huge thanks to Obscure Gamers and all who have contributed over the years to these Tera Releases!