L.A. Noire (Apr 28, 2014 prototype)

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L.A. Noire (Apr 28, 2014 prototype)
Build date Apr 28, 2014
Build name v1.4 b2616
Dump status Released
Dumped by Unknown
Released by Unknown
Origin USB Stick
Game L.A. Noire
System PC
Genre Action-adventure
Release date NA Nov 11, 2011
PAL Nov 8, 2011
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A prototype of L.A. Noire for Microsoft Windows.


  • This is a late build of L.A. Noire. It was initially recovered off a Rockstar USB stick. The build was partially recovered and fixed to run using retail files. The executable is fully debug-enabled and comes with .map and .pdb files.
  • Although version.txt says that the build is from October 2011, if you look at the build dates of the executables, you can see that the build is from April 2014.
  • Debug commands are activated through the keyboard. To play the build normally, a controller is required. Currently, the non-debug executables have not been patched to run.
  • To access the debug menu of L.A.-Noire_Release-Dev.exe, hold start and press left on the dpad. Additionally, the free cam can be acessed by holding select and pressing left on the dpad. A second menu can be opened if the first debug menu is open, the player is in freeroam or in the main menu and hold start and left.
