MotoGP 2 (Aug 30, 2001 prototype)

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MotoGP 2 (Aug 30, 2001 prototype)
Build date Aug 30, 2001 08:43:42
Dump status Released, redump needed
Dumped by SPQR
Released by SPQR
File release date October 26, 2001
Lot Old Scene (BBS)
Files spqrmgp2
Game MotoGP 2
System PlayStation 2
Genre Racing
Final build JP Nov 20, 2001
EU Dec 21, 2001
US Nov 29, 2001
Release date JP Dec 20, 2001
EU Dec 21, 2001
US Jan 22, 2002
Download MotoGP 2 (Aug 30, 2001 prototype) (info)
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A prototype of MotoGP 2 for the PlayStation 2.


  • Predates the first available final build by about three months.



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0                                                                                     0
0                                                                                     0
0                           SPQR presents:                                            0
0                                                                                     0
0                                                                                     0
0   Title:      MOTOGP2 PS2               Rel. Date: 26-10-2001                       0
0   Format:     PAL                       Format:    BIN+CUE                          0
0   Supplier:   HP@SPQR                   Dimens.:   16*20MB                          0
0   Packager:   HP@SPQR                                                               0
0   Protection: none                                                                  0
0                                                                                     0
0                                                                                     0
0  Description:                                                                       0
0                                                                                     0
0  Nothing much to say. It's the sequel of Motogp. If u like motogames check it out   0
0                                                                                     0
0                                                                                     0
0                                                                                     0
0  Notes:                                                                             0
0                                                                                     0
0  Just unpack and burn                                                               0
0                                                                                     0
0                                                                                     0
0  Group notes:                                                                       0
0                                                                                     0
0  We're an italian crew. We hope italian scene will be back as in the amiga times    0
0  Move your asses and rule the scene!                                                0
0  We do it for fun and we like it as is. Fuck off gay siteops who think they're God  0
0                                                                                     0
0                                                                                     0
0  Greetings:                                                                         0
0  All the best groups in the scene that keep scene alive.                            0
0  A special greets to uncle bill gates who showed today winxp.Dewils0wn owned u! LOL 0
0                                                                                     0
0  --------------Tnx to RORiSO, SPHiNKS, R163 ,ALOHAiSO, OTKiSO-----------------------0
0                                                                                     0
0  ** fuck off u and your fucking servers**                                     0
0   And the last greets for AS ROMA - WE RULE                                         0
0                                                                                     0