Painkiller (Nov 19, 2003 prototype)

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Painkiller (Nov 19, 2003 prototype)
Build date Nov 19, 2003
Dump status Released
Dumped by SPANKiNG
Released by SPANKiNG
Lot Old Scene (BBS)
Game Painkiller
System PC
Genre Action, First-Person Shooter
Release date NA Apr 12, 2004
PAL Apr 15, 2004
Download Painkiller (Nov 19, 2003 prototype) (info)
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A prototype of Painkiller for the PC.


  • The build date is imprecise. it was based on the modification date of the newest file.


nfo? you gotta be taking the piss!
all you need to know is that this is a late november build
of painkiller, the much anticipated shooter. this build is
labeled a pre-alpha and serves as first look build for very
few chosen magazines. it contains 3 singeplayer and 2 multiplayer
maps, of course fully playable, no fucked shit like HL2 leak...
talk about "beta", my ass. have fun with this