Dummy link
Postal (Jul 24, 1997 prototype)
Build date |
Jul 24, 1997 07:02:52
Dump status |
Dumped by |
Global Reach Couriering
Released by |
Global Reach Couriering
File release date |
August 11, 1997
Lot |
Old Scene (BBS)
Files |
System |
Genre |
Shoot 'em up
Final build |
EU Sep 10, 1997 US Sep 10, 1997
Release date |
EU Sep 24, 1997 US Sep 24, 1997
A prototype of Postal for the PC.
- Dated about a month and a half before the first available final build.
- The Construction Site is the only playable level.
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- Global Reach Couriering 1997 -
-/- Release Info -/-
³ Release Date ... 11-08-1997 ³ Publisher ... Running with Scissors ³
³ Supplier ....... ^Paladin^ ³ Type ........ Doom 3d Like ³
³ Cracker ........ None ³ Size ........ 12 * 1.44 ³
³ Protection ..... None ³ Requirements ...... Pentium 90mhz ³
³ Packager ....... ^Paladin^ ³ Win95/NT, 256 Colors, 16mb Ram 2x cdr³
³ . . oO[ Release Notez ]Oo . . ³
³ ³
³ This is a beta release of Postal, which is a doom like 3d action type ³
³ Game. You get Powerups at the start of each level and you only have one ³
³ life, should be even better when the final release is out! ³
³ ³
³ Installation Notes : ³
³ ³
³ Unzip, Un arj and play. If you have less then 256 colors or more then 256³
³ colors then the game will not work for you.. sorry :( ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³