Prey (Nov 9, 1995 prototype)

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Prey (Nov 9, 1995 prototype)
Build date Nov 9, 1995
Dump status Released
Released by hogsy
File release date December 25, 2022
Origin Build
Game Prey
System PC
Genre First Person Shooter
Release date Unreleased
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An early prototype of the cancelled 3D Realms version of Prey. The final game was developed by Human Head Interactive between 2001 and 2006.


  • This is an engine test build. Only one level is present with a logo of the game's prospective publisher, GT Interactive Software. This build was likely intended to demo the game to them.
  • Uses a proprietary 3D Realms-developed engine. Appears to be real-time 3D, similar to Quake.
  • No evidence of the portal functionality later builds of the game have.
  • Type prey demo4 to start the (only) map immediately, or start prey.exe, press TAB to open the console, and type play demo4. When the wireframe loads, press tab to close the console.
  • Text reading goddamnit! may appear if the game crashes, or if the console is open while a map loads.
  • Unfinished physics:
    • L will "auto level" your camera, and basic collision detection does exist.
    • G will turn on gravity, but it's rather easy to get stuck on things and you will have to go back into free movement mode to get around.
  • Demo recording functionality - use the console record command to start, and then save, followed by an extensionless filename of a .DMO file to save a demo.
  • Once ingame, press tab to get the console, then "play mark", "play mark2" or "play test" to play the demos that exist within that level. Press tab again to hide the console.
  • By default, mipmapping is on. In wireframe mode you will see a set of red lines circling the world, about ten "feet" forward from your position, representing where the fullres texture switches to the half res; another set 20 "feet" forward shows the next level of mipmaps.
  • In the console, do "set mipmap false" to disable it. This will make the game look much worse but cleans up the wireframe mode.
  • "set shading false" to turn off lighting, making the world much easier to see.
  • "set blockshading false" does something unclear to the lighting, making the world incomprehensible.
  • "set span false" appears to turn off texture rendering, leaving you with the skybox.
  • "set volumerender true" draws what I believe is a box indicating which "volume" you occupy within the BSP system.
  • "set cellvis false" will turn off culling, making the game render the entire world at once instead of trying to skip rendering areas you can't see (which is buggy in this version anyway.)


  • Starts in wireframe mode by default. Press W to cycle between wireframe, flat shading, and full rendering.
  • < and > rotate your camera.
  • L to open "auto leveling" mode.
  • G to toggle gravity.
  • Tab to open your console.
  • A and Z to go up and down respectively.
  • X and C to strafe left and right respectively.
  • Space is likely intended to be a jump, but in this build it only moves very slightly up.
  • F displays some kind of frame meter.
