Soul Star X 32x (Prototype)

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Soul Star X 32x (Prototype)
Dump status Released
Dumped by SEGASaturno
Released by SEGASaturno
File release date February 20, 2010
Origin EPROM cartridge
Game Soul Star X
System Sega 32X
Genre Shoot'em Up
Release date Unreleased
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An unreleased "remake" of the Sega Mega-CD game Soul Star for the Sega 32X.


  • Was to be released in late 1995.
  • Was previewed in multiple magazines in December 1994.
  • An Atari Jaguar port was also in development at the same time titled "Soul Star" which was also canceled for unknown reasons.
  • This early prototype was released by SEGASaturno in 2010, with a more complete Jaguar prototype was released sometime afterwards.
  • The game is in an early state in which only the first and third stages are playable, the second being mostly playable. The Jaguar port is more functional with all three available stages being playable.
  • The ROM includes random assembler and developer machine garbage used for padding.
  • The ROM was released with multiple over/under dumps. The ROM presented here is the most accurate of the dumps.