Suicide Mission (Feb 10, 1982 prototype)
Build date |
Feb 10, 1982
Build name |
Dump status |
Released by |
Dan Skelton, Glenn Saunders, Jim Nitchals, Russ Perry Jr.
File release date |
Source code / Compiled ROM file
Files |
METEROIDS_SUICID23.ASM (source code) METEROID.BIN (compiled ROM file)
Suicide Mission
System |
Atari 2600
Genre |
Shoot 'em up
Final build |
US Aug 31, 1982 EU Unknown
Release date |
US 1983 EU 1983
A prototype of Suicide Mission for the Atari 2600.
- Originally included on the original version of the Stella Gets a New Brain CD, as both the original source code and a compiled ROM file.
- During early phases of the game's development, the game was known as Meteoroids, and consisted of an Asteroids clone. However, threats of legal action by Atari forced Starpath to modify the game further, eventually becoming Suicide Mission. This prototype reflects this previous phase of development.
See also
Suicide Mission prototypes