Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64DD Prototype)

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Title Screen
Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64DD Prototype)
Dump status Released
Dumped by Jimmy130
Released by LuigiBlood
Origin Grey Disk
Game Super Mario 64
System Nintendo 64DD
Genre Platform
Release date Unreleased
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A prototype of the unreleased Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64DD.


The Cutting Room Floor research
  • Different title screen.
  • Different sound engine.
  • Entering the inside of the island in Tiny-Huge Island, where Wiggler and red coins reside, will crash the game. This makes collecting all 120 Stars impossible on this version. When Wiggler is initialized, his health value is 2048 for a single frame before being reset to 4. Wiggler uses his health to index into a table to get his speed (to move faster when at lower health); 2048 causes it to index out of range and read a denormalized floating-point number as his health, which causes an unimplemented operation exception since the N64 does not implement any operations on denormalized floats except comparisons.