Talk:Far Cry 3 Assets of Incomplete Builds

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Is there anyone who has been able to successfully run these files in any way?

I would also like to know that. Maybe if you add this world to a functional build, maybe it will be possible. The only problem is how to try to access this because the only way I know how to do this is to go through Xenia and add certain parameters to go directly to this world, but I never managed to do it. this functional.

All I want to do really is play something close to this: .This seems to be from before the E3 presentation

Well, [[1]] I think it contains all the worlds, just everything else is missing. perhaps merging with Far Cry 3 (Mar 30, 2012 Multiplayer prototype) in devkit mode (since interestingly putting the fcc_main of this build will require this. Luckily there are modified versions of xenia capable of this) it may be possible to make the functional build? I don't have a powerful PC to test this honestly.

Thanks for the info, but this has made me curious, if you have never run the field how do you know whats in them? and also, if you know anyone who knows how to play any version of the pre alpha/ prototype, could they provide any footage of showcasing features? (weapons, vehicles, map etc) it would be insanely cool because there is such little footage. Thanks

I've already tested some builds in xenia but only the menu because the fps are very terrible on my laptop. By looking at the file structure, you can more or less see what exists and what is missing. Far Cry 3 (Sep 8, 2012 Multiplayer prototype) is perhaps the oldest build that is actually playable (I don't know if it is necessary to be connected to a server to play co-op as I remember that there were certain builds that had tested in the past when I had a better PC because the one I'm using is a "replacement"). between March and August 2012 they are probably also playable. The problem is that I don't have a laptop to check things. any builds below this are incomplete and require files from other builds to be functional. I remember extracting the files from the PC version once and came across some test videos. It is likely that these prototypes also have videos of this type. I don't remember the program I used to extract the files but I think it can be found easily on the internet.

Do you know anyone in the community who has uploaded footage anywhere? and also, can you please go into more detail about merging the 2 builds in "devkit mode" it would help lots

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bitseb my code is 3785, edit: you still there?

You better join the wiki's discord server because I can't find you

Okay, could you please leave a link?

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