This Is Football 2002 (prototype)

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This Is Football 2002 (prototype)
Dump status Released, redump needed
Dumped by WiPiCE
Released by WiPiCE
File release date September 15, 2001
Lot Old Scene (BBS)
Files wip-lmb2
Game This Is Football 2002
System PlayStation 2
Genre Sports
Final build US Jan 8, 2002
EU Aug 30, 2001
Release date US Sep 28, 2001
EU Feb 17, 2002
Download This Is Football 2002 (prototype) (info)
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A prototype of This Is Football 2002 (also known as World Tour Soccer 2002 in North America) for the PlayStation 2.


  • This is a DVDRIP derived from another scene release made by the same group. The original release appears to be MIA.
  • Dutch.pak, German.pak, Italian.pak, Spanish.pak, and the opening FMV were removed for the DVDRIP.
  • Build date is unknown as the executable was modified. The version number in SYSTEM.CNF is reported as 1.00, while the EU final has the number 1.02.



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  Û                                                                    Û
  Û                 WIPICE french team Move, Move !!                   Û
  Û                                                                    Û
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  Û                  . .. ...WiPice Team Presents... ..               Û
  Û                                                                   Û
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          °           LE_MONDE_DES_BLEUS_2002           ßÜ   Üß ÜßßÜ
    ÜßßÜ  ±                    PAL                      ßÛß Ü ßÜÜß
    ßÜÜß  ²                   BETA                         Û ßÜß
  Ü     ÜÜÛ                    OR                           Û
 ßÜß  Üß   ßÜ          THIS IS FOOTBALL 2002                ²
      Û     Û                 BETA                          ±
       ßÜÜÜß                                                °
 ßÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß RELEASE NOTES ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛß
  Û                                                                   Û
  Û  Supplier...........: WiPice      # of Disks.... : 28 x 20 Mo     Û
  Û  Packager...........: WiPice      rar name  .... : wip-lmb2.rxx   Û
  Û  Release Date.......: 09-15-2001  Genre......... : Football       Û
  Û                                                                   Û
 ÛÛ                                                                   ÛÛ
 ÛÛ                                                                   ÛÛ
  Û                                                                   Û
  Û The graphical capabilities of PlayStation2 have enabled SCEE Team Û
  Û SoHo, to map accurate facial likenesses of more than 250 stars of Û
  Û world football onto player models, giving unprecedented detail.   Û
  Û Enhanced player Artificial Intelligence delivers a more           Û
  Û challenging and tactical game of football.                        Û
  Û The development team has managed to recreate the passion of the   Û
  Û crowd, designing the game with an amazing level of detail:        Û
  Û opposing fans sing, chant, wave banners, set off flares and       Û
  Û fireworks.                                                        Û
  Û                                                                   Û
  Û                                                                   Û
  Û    Û
  Û                                                               ÜßßßÜ
 ÛÛ                                                             Û     Û
 ÛÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßÜ   Üß
 ÛÛ                                                          ÜßßÜ ßßß Ü
  Û  Installation & Rip Info                                    ßÜÜßßÜß
  Û                                                                   Û
  Û unzip, unrar                                                      Û
  Û We rip the intro scene. This rlz are a beta. We choose to release Û
  Û it because our DVD Release doesn't work. We are sorry for people  Û
  Û who have burn it. Do not gorget to put your ps2 in uk or fr mode. Û
 ÛÛ                                                                   ÛÛ
 ÛÛ                                                                   ÛÛ
  Û  We Search Supplier for PSX, DC, and PS2.                         Û
  Û  We search also Supplier DVD Zone 1 (Anime and Movies)            Û
  Û  We search expert Coder for psx ps2.                              Û
  Û  If you have a T1 or T3, send mail.                               Û
  Û                                                                   Û
 ÛÛ                                                                   ÛÛ
 ÛÛ                           Greetz...                               ÛÛ
  Û                                                                   Û
  Û                          Thanks to :                              Û
  Û             STATIC, TOXIC, REMIX, PARADOX, KALISTO                Û
  Û         PULSAR , MANGA, WIRED, ULYSSE and all other teams         Û
  Û                                                                   Û
  Û                         Contact                                   Û
  Û                                                                   Û
  Û              E-Mail    :                   Û
  Û                                                                   Û