Tomb Raider: Legend (Feb 23, 2006 prototype)
Build date |
Feb 23, 2006
Dump status |
Dumped by |
Released by |
File release date |
August 10, 2023
Lot |
Fleet Sets Sail Mega-Release
Tomb Raider: Legend
System |
PlayStation Portable
Genre |
Action Adventure
Final build |
JP Oct 3, 2006 EU Apr 27, 2006 US May 2, 2006
Release date |
US Jun 21, 2006 AU Nov 17, 2006 EU Jun 9, 2006
A prototype/prerelease build of Tomb Raider: Legend for the PlayStation Portable from 2006-02-23 (about four months before the game was first released).
- This is a preview build of the game.
- Press Square + Circle to access an extensive debug menu.
- Includes test/debugging areas such as mdlview 1.
- Includes PSP-exclusive areas such as the master system rooms.
- Like most PSP development builds, it was distributed as UMD layer images on a DVD-R. Because it is a dual-layer UMD, converting the files on the release image requires several steps, and CVLT OF OSIRIS has included both the original DVD-R image (Tomb_Raider-Legend-2006-02-23.iso) and a version that is ready to play in an emulator (Tomb_Raider-Legend-2006-02-23-Converted-Bootable.iso).
- If you wish to recreate the bootable image from the original dump instead of using the premade bootable image, follow these steps:
- Extract the USER_L0.IMG and USER_L1.IMG files from the DVD-R dump.
- Concatenate the two files together, layer 0 first, layer 1 second into a new file named Tomb_Raider-Legend-2006-02-23-Converted-Bootable.iso.
- Download UMDGen (https://www.romhacking.net/download/utilities/1218/) if you do not have it already.
- Open the ISO in UMDGen.
- In UMDGen, navigate to the \PSP_GAME\SYSDIR folder and right-click on BOOT.BIN.
- In the menu, choose File Relinker, then Use Selected File as Source.
- Right-click on EBOOT.BIN.
- In the menu, choose File Relinker, then Relink to '\PSP_GAME\SYSDIR\BOOT.BIN'.
- The UMDGen steps may be optional for some PSP emulators.
Thanks to Gh0stBlade for preserving and sharing this rare artifact of gaming history!
See also
Tomb Raider: Legend prototypes
PlayStation 2 |
PlayStation Portable |
Xbox |
Xbox 360 |