Far Cry 3 Assets of Incomplete Builds
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Far Cry 3 Assets of Incomplete Builds | ||||||
The development of Far Cry 3 began in 2009 and its base retail version was completed in October 2012. So there are +- 3 years of development. Despite the existence of several builds, their abundance is only in September and October 2012, which is somewhat more sparse looking back over time, so only 1 build from August 2012, 2 builds from May 2012 and 1 build from March 2012 exist as complete. These 4 builds were obtained from an HDD named Ubisoft Massive HDD #1 - Far Cry 3, Assassin's Creed 4
which, on analysis, shows that this HDD originally stored prototypes of this game and later stored prototypes of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. The most interesting thing about this is that this HDD started being used in 2009 to store Far Cry 3 prototypes. Unfortunately, given that it was used for 4 years, nothing remains from that time other than an empty folder. However, there are still remnants of files related to builds between March 2011 and February 2012. Despite appearing useless since these are builds that are far from complete, we're talking about assets from a bygone era that can be used to be restored and used in the retail versions of the game. With this, the decision was made to share these assets.
in pogress.
2011 Assets
~Mar 23, 2011 prototype
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It contains a world called pvp_kas06_pitaya which, as the name implies, was used for multiplayer mode. No files are corrupted and it is 100% safe to extract them. Luckily, even though these assets are the oldest recoverable, they didn't have any corrupted files, unlike their successors.
~Apr 11, 2011 prototype
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It contains a world called pvp_kas06_pitaya. From its name, this is the world used in multiplayer mode. Unfortunately, pvp_kas06_pitaya is corrupted and it doesn't seem to be possible to recover this file via hex. However, it should be noted that this file still stores files, albeit incomplete. pvp_kas06_pitaya. nfo is partially corrupted and although it is possible to add the missing lines, the recovery is unfortunately partial (and it was not possible to do so). However, this file turns out to be useless because given that the beginning of pvp_kas06_pitaya is missing, the only option would be to recover the files via hex manually and work your way through the list.
Sep 12, 2011 Multiplayer prototype
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This build has executables which lets you know that the build name is FLINT-MSV-MAIN-PACKAGE-580.0 which means it's an internal multiplayer prototype. Unfortunately, only fcx.xdb, fcx.xex and fcx.exe (decompiled version of xex) seem to be what's left of this build.
~Oct 2011 prototype
An nfo file for an October 2011 version exists, although it is extremely incomplete. It belongs to a world called coop_press. Curiously, this world, unlike the February version, was supposed to store E3 files, which is strange because the E3 prototypes use a separate world named fc3_e3. It should be noted, however, that this world was probably used for internal conferences (hence the name press).
2012 Assets
Jan 14, 2012 prototype
Description missing. It seems to be possible to repair the files via hex.
~Feb 2, 2012 prototype
Description missing. It seems to be possible to repair the files via hex.