Crash Bash (Oct 9, 2000 prototype)
Build date |
Oct 9, 2000 10:53:43
Dump status |
Released, redump needed
Dumped by |
Released by |
File release date |
October 31, 2000
Crash Bash
System |
Genre |
Final build |
US Oct 10, 2000 EU Oct 23, 2000 JP Nov 15, 2000
Release date |
US Nov 7, 2000 EU Dec 1, 2000 JP Dec 14, 2000
A PAL prototype of Crash Bash for the Sony PlayStation.
The Cutting Room Floor research
- The "Sony Computer Entertainment" screen says "America" instead of "Europe".
- The cheat menu present in demo builds can still be accessed by pressing Left, Right, Left, Right(2), Left, Right(3), Left, Right(4), Left, Right(5) at the main menu.
- Some language translations are incomplete or differ from the final PAL release.
- All cutscenes are in English regardless of which language the game is set to.
- Some letter accents are not implemented.
- Various other things throughout the game are translated differently.
This build was released by warez group "STATiC" in late October/early November of 2000. The original release nfo:
__ __/\_________\ /__________/\__ __
_/ (_) (_) \_
__ _| __/\__ |
/_/\\| (/) \ / (\) |_ __
\_\/ | /_ _\ |//\_\
| . \/ . | \/_/
: . . :
. : : .
__| |__ sns __| |__
__________ \__ __/ ____\____ __/_____ _______
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\___________ / \ _________/ | / \ \ _/
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//___________// \\___________| //________\\__________\\
| | | |
. : . : . .
. . . .
| (\) (/) |
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
¯\_( )_ _______\_________/_______ _( )_/¯
\/ \_(sTc)_/ \/
___\_ _ _/___
_\_____ _____/_
\ | /
\ (o|o) /
__ __/\_______________________\____|____/ ________________________/\__ __
_/ (_) _ _ _/ _(_)_ \_ _ _ (_) \_
| __ __\\ (_|_) //__ __ |
| \//_/\ \__ __/ /\_\\/ |
| \_\/ \___/ \/_/ |
| __ __ |
| \/ Release Info \/ |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Game.......: Crash Bash |
| Company....: Eurocom Entertainment |
| Size.......: 05 x 20 Mb |
| Platform...: Playstation |
| Origin.....: Europe/Pal |
| Languages..: English, Spanish, German, Italian |
| and French |
| Type.......: Arcade |
| __ __ |
_/ \/\ / __ __ \ /\/ \_
\/ \/ Release Notes \/ \/
Crash Bash is the latest in the Crash Bandicoot series and is a multi-event
board game with 8 characters to choose from, including old favourites CoCo,
Tiny and Dr Cortex.
With 28 unique tests to try out and get your teeth into, this game aims
to be simple and easy-to-understand yet immensely and enjoyably challenging,
in the best tradition of classic arcade games.
And with a rumbling tribal soundtrack to echo the jungle theme,
this game is both fun and funky! Come have a ball with Crash Bash
__ __
»\__\/___ ____________________________________________________________\/___/»
_/ \/\ / __ __ \ /\/ \_
\/ \/ Group News \/ \/
none today...
__ __
»\__\/___ ____________________________________________________________\/___/»
_/ \/\ / __ __ \ /\/ \_
\/ \/ Greetings to all our friends in: \/ \/
Deviance - Utopia - Lightforce - The free loaders - Paradox - Eurasia
MFD - Capital - Hooligans - Echelon - TC - Kalisto - High Society
__ __
»\__\/___ ____________________________________________________________\/___/»
_/ \/\ / __ __ \ /\/ \_
\/ \/ Want to be a part of it ? \/ \/
We are currently looking for people able to supply unreleased
PSX (Jap, Pal, USA versions), PC Games, VCD and Utilities on the net.
So If you work for or have any friends into a Software or Video Companies
such as:
- Shop.
- Company.
- Packager.
- Publisher.
- Warehouse.
- Distributor.
- Beta Tester.
- Magazine (TV/Paper/Radio).
- CD/DVD duplication factory.
- If you have a fast connection, live near an Electronics Boutique,
Babbages, Best Buy, or other store that sells any kind of software and
have a bit of spare time, drop us an email and we will contact you back.
Some skilled crackers and coders on Console are still welcome.
We are also looking for some T3 or more shell box owners and really fast
sites who would like to get affiliate with us.
- We do NOT take any courriers in, so don't bother asking -
So if you fit any of those cases, contact us without hesitation at:
[email protected]
one of the channel operator in #staticZ
__ __
»\__\/___ _________________________________________________________ ___\/__/»
_/ \/\ / __ __ \ /\/ \_
| \/ \/ Contact us \/ \/ |
| ~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| iRC: #STATiCZ (on Efnet of coz) and contact an alive op |
| mAIL: [email protected] |
| |
| NEVER ask us for missing files nor covers nor where to find our releases. |
| We do those for testing purposes, if you like this game, |
| do like us and support the developpers by buying the game! |
| _ _ |
»\_( )_ ___________________________________________________________ _( )_/»
\/ ascii:h2o/ic!/sns \/
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[ +++ (: * <<< Hoopy's Topsite Scripts v3.00 for glFTPd >>> * :) +++ ]
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See also
Crash Bash prototypes
Crash Bash assets