Dead Space 2 (Nov 18, 2010 prototype)
Build date |
Nov 18, 2010
Dump status |
Released, redump needed
Dumped by |
Released by |
File release date |
March 31, 2014
XDK Hard Drive
Dead Space 2
System |
Xbox 360
Genre |
Survival horror
Final build |
US Dec 2, 2010
Release date |
US Jan 25, 2011 AU Jan 27, 2011 EU Jan 28, 2011
A debug build prototype of Dead Space 2 for the Xbox 360 from 2010-11-18 (almost 3 months before the NTSC release build).
- Does not work in Xenia as of build [master@fb5424a9/Sep 14 2023] - will load to main menu, but crash within moments of loading into the game.
- There are four XEX files included in this release, but all of them are from the same day:
- deadspace_d.xex
- deadspace_f.xex
- deadspace_q.xex
- deadspace_r.xex
- Accessing some of the debugging controls requires a second controller. On Controller 1 or 2:
- LB + RB + Start = Debug Menu
- On Controller 2:
- RS = Toggle No-Clip Reposition Player Mode
- LS = Toggle Debug Camera/Normal Camera
- In Debug Camera Mode, on Controller 2:
- Left Stick = Forward/Back, Strafe
- Right Stick = Pitch/Yaw
- Y, A = Up/Down
- LB, RB = Roll Left/Right
- Hold LT = Slower Camera Movement
- Hold RT = Faster Camera Movement
- RS = Bring Player to Camera + No-Clip Toggle
- Overall the gameplay and story elements are near-identical with the final release build. (needs more in depth look)
- Using the load feature will load the first save in your save device.
- To hide the budget graphs, go into the Debug Menu, go to Streaming Options, scroll down until you reach Display Budget Graphs, and set it to false.
YouTube video by JoJoBang
Dead Space 2 prototypes
Dead Space 2 demos