Star Wars Battlefront (Jan 29, 2004 prototype)
Build date |
Jan 29, 2004 00:58:23
Dump status |
Dumped by |
Released by |
File release date |
May 30, 2019
Xbox DevKit HDD
Star Wars Battlefront
System |
Genre |
Action, Shooter
Final build |
JP Sep 16, 2004 EU Aug 17, 2004 US Aug 13, 2004
Release date |
US Sep 21, 2004
A demo build of Star Wars Battlefront' for the Microsoft Xbox.
- Taken from a Xbox Debug Kit belonging to aden34.
- The build expects to load files from the cache partition X. It may hang on a black screen if the files are not copied to that location.
- Appears to be an earlier revision of the February 3 demo.
- Allend1a.lvl, common.lvl, impend1a.lvl, and shell.lvl appear to have file differences.
- The ordering of options on the Star Wars Trilogy menu was flipped.
- A version number and text saying "This demo shows a Work in Progress" is displayed on the legal screen. This would later be removed.
- The Star Wars logo is much smaller.
A big thanks to Kabojnk for preserving this prototype.
Star Wars Battlefront prototypes
Star Wars Battlefront demos