Spyro the Dragon (Jul 18, 1998 prototype)
Build date |
Jul 18, 1998 08:14:22
Build name |
Dump status |
Dumped by |
Gh0stBlade, hwd45
Released by |
File release date |
March 14, 2020
Labels |
Spyro the Dragon TM Preview Disc Spyro 7/19
Dump method |
MPF 2.1 (Plextor PX-W4012TA 1.07)
Ownership |
Gh0stBlade (-2021) hwd45 (2021-Present)
Spyro the Dragon
System |
Genre |
Final build |
US Aug 13, 1998 EU Sep 10, 1998 JP Feb 26, 1999
Release date |
US Sep 9, 1998 EU Oct 23, 1998 JP Apr 1, 1999
Spyro the Dragon Later Prototype
An NTSC-U preview of Spyro the Dragon for the Sony PlayStation, dated less than a month before the final build.
The Cutting Room Floor research
- The game starts with a placeholder "Temporary Boot Menu".
- There are no intro or ending cutscenes.
- Many dragons are still missing the cutscenes and audio dialogue they'd use in the final game.
- A few of the dragon dialogue audio clips are missing their backing tracks.
- A number of dragons use different textures and coloring schemes to their final appearance.
- All dragons in the Beast Makers world are called "Silvus".
- Gnasty Gnorc's level and Gnasty's Loot are called "Gnasty Place" and "Gnasty Booty" respectively.
- Only a small number of music tracks are in this build, apparently unchanged since the June 15th prototype.
- Gem placement is still unfinished in some places.
- A glitch in the Artisans world sometimes makes it impossible to complete, as the gem count sometimes totals to a value less than 100.
- Specifically, a group of gems near Town Square's portal only count towards the gem total if Sparx picks them up, rather than Spyro.
- There's one extra gem in Lofty Castle for some reason.
- There's still a number of noticeable gaps between polygons in some of the level models at this point in development.
- This version of the game includes dongle protection to avoid it being used on hardware. An xdelta patch has always been provided alongside the prototype.
- In lieu of patching, a memory card card file containing the dongle save can be downloaded in mcd format here or in raw format here.
- The memory card containing the dongle has to be inserted into Slot 2.
- Dumped twice with MPF and once with CloneCD, all dumps matched.
Cheat codes
These codes can be used at any time during gameplay by holding down the buttons for a few seconds at the same time. Aside from the XA playback code, the successful entry of the other inputs are indicated by Spyro doing a light jump whilst in a frozen idle state.
Level warp
L1 + L2 + R1 + R2
After confirmation, enter one of the button combinations from the list below.
Toggle active/passive camera
L2 + R1
Toggle invincibility & timer freeze
R1 + R2 + Circle
Toggle XA playback
Square + Triangle + Circle + X
First entry deactivates the music, re-entering the code plays the first track of the STR file in use. Pausing and unpausing the game reverts to the indented music.
Level warp codes
Artisans Home
X + Circle
Magic Crafters Home
Triangle + Circle
Dream Weavers Home
Down + Circle
Stone Hill
X + X
Alpine Ridge
Triangle + X
Dark Passage
Down + X
Dark Hollow
X + Square
High Caves
Triangle + Square
Lofty Castle
Down + Square
Town Square
X + Triangle
Wizard Peak
Triangle + Triangle
Haunted Towers
Down + Triangle
X + Right
Triangle + Right
Down + Right
Sunny Flight
X + Down
Crystal Flight
Triangle + Down
Icy Flight
Down + Down
Peace Keepers Home
Square + Circle
Beast Makers Home
Right + Circle
Gnorc Gnexus
Left + Circle
Dry Canyon
Square + X
Terrace Village
Right + X
Gnorc Cove
Left + X
Cliff Town
Square + Square
Misty Bog
Right + Square
Twilight Harbor
Left + Square
Ice Cavern
Square + Triangle
Tree Tops
Right + Triangle
Gnasty Place
Left + Triangle
Doctor Shemp
Square + Right
Right + Right
Gnasty Booty
Left + Right
Night Flight
Square + Down
Wild Flight
Right + Down
Skip to next level
Transition to Gnorc Gnexus
Spyro the Dragon (Jul 18, 1998 prototype).bin
2021-12-11 00:08:44
526.25 MB
Spyro the Dragon (Jul 18, 1998 prototype).cue
2021-12-11 00:08:43
107 bytes
Spyro the Dragon (Jul 18, 1998 prototype).xdelta
2021-02-23 22:10:16
2 KB
A very HUGE special thanks to hwd45 and Gh0stBlade for making this release possible!
See also
Spyro the Dragon prototypes
Spyro the Dragon demos
Spyro the Dragon videos
Spyro the Dragon assets