The Lion King (Mar 22, 1994 prototype)

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The Lion King (Mar 22, 1994 prototype)
Build date Mar 22, 1994
Dump status Released
Dumped by Anonymous
Released by Codebound
File release date December 17, 2024
Origin Compiled ROM file
Game The Lion King
System SNES
Genre Action
Release date US Dec 8, 1994
EU Dec 8, 1994
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An early prototype of The Lion King for the SNES.


  • Boots to an extreme early version of the Stampede stage.
  • Press B to jump, and pressing Select causes Simba's sprite to change into a stick figure, before falling off the screen
  • Press R to freely move Simba, while L pauses Simba on his current frame of animation
  • Simba's sprites are very early, mostly consisting of basic stick figures with only his walking animation containing actual art.
  • Similarly most enemies have only stick figures
  • Most levels contain art very different from the final version and mostly in unfinished states.
  • To access the other stages, hold down R, L, Start, and Select together. Then, hold down on of the following combinations and let go of the other buttons:
    • Using Player 1's controller:
      • L - Simba's Exile? (The art is completely placeholder in this level)
      • L + A - The Pridelands
      • L + B - Can't Wait to be King
      • L + X - Elephant Graveyard
    • Using Player 2's controller:
      • L + A - Hakuna Matata
    • Invalid combinations send the player back to the Stampede stage.
  • No sound is present in this build. Despite this, the ROM has an error message not in the final game at 0x20A64 - "Error in Add_Sound Value out of range"
