Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (Aug 12, 1997 prototype)

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (Aug 12, 1997 prototype)
Build date Aug 12, 1997 17:35:19
Dump status Released, redump needed
Dumped by Demi Moore
Released by Class
File release date October 4, 1997
Lot Old Scene (BBS)
Game Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
System PC
Genre First-Person Shooter
Final build Nov 12, 1997 02:41:35
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A prototype of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter for the PC.


Back in October 4th of 1997, scene group "Class" released a build of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter to the public. This build was compiled on August 12, 1997.

  • This is build is older than the retail release by 92 days.
  • Like the final game, this build can not be ran without a disc drive installed to the computer.
  • Unlike the final game, it will not tell you that you need a disc drive but will rather ask you to verify that no other application is using the disc drive.
  • There are files dating around the time of the scene release. It is unknown if these are due to modifications from the scene group, hiccups with the install, or if Iguana, Acclaim, and/or Sculptured Software were developing those files without rebuilding the game.
  • The button "Start Turok" on the splash does not work. You have to start the game via the File menu's "Start Turok" option.
  • 4 files detect a CRC fault in the original scene release when extracting with 7Zip, but do not error with WinRAR. "TUROKSND.11K" "TUROKSND.22K" "CARTDATA.DAT" "TEXTURES.DAT"



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      ▀   cH!pC/RiGOR

║                   Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (c) Acclaim                       ║
║ Cracker  : The Binary Genital       ║ Release Date : October 4th, 1997     ║
║ Supplier : Demi Moore               ║ Oper. System : Windows 95            ║
║ Stripper : Ol' Dirty Bastard        ║ Protection   : CD-Check              ║
║ Packager : The Binary Genital       ║ Game Type    : First Person Shooter  ║
                  ║ P133, 16MB RAM, 30HD, DirectX5, 3DFX!! ║

║                           oOo Release Notes oOo                            ║
║                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                                ║ 
║ Prepare yourself for gut-wrenching gameplay and terrifying combat...Turok: ║
║ Dinosaur Hunter shows no mercy.                                            ║
║                                                                            ║
║ FEATURES:                                                                  ║
║ 14 High-tech  Weapons: From the simple  Knife and  Tek-Bow  to  a  Grenade ║
║ Launcher, Pulse Rifle, Quad Rocket Launcher and Atomic Fusion Cannon.      ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Enemies Programmed for Ferocity:Razortoothed raptors, Mounted Triceratops. ║
║ Artillery packing Pterodactyls. Alien Infantry.Hungrily searching for you. ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Unprecedented Virtual Control: Move in any direction  in a fully 3D  world ║
║ with  the  ability to  aim  weapons 360  horizontally  with  more  than 90 ║
║ of vertical rotation.                                                      ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Completely 3-dimensional  Graphics: Plants, vines, even  cobwebs  are  all ║
║ polygonal objects that can be viewed from any angle.                       ║
║                                                                            ║
║ State-of-the-art Particle Technology:The most realistic and varied special ║
║ effects ever seen  in a video  game. Bullets  ricochet. Trees explode into ║
║ flames and crash to the ground. Waterfalls boil with foam.                 ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Turok's Jungle  is  Alive: Monkeys  swing through the canopy, fish dart in ║
║ streams and wild boar forage through the forest.                           ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Turok Scales Sheer Surfaces: And swims underwater in true 3-D.             ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Random WARP Fields. These transport Turok to ever-changing secret areas.   ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Treacherous Traps. Swinging logs, spiked branches, and crushing  rockfalls ║
║ keep Turok on his toes.                                                    ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Pickups. Players pickup health, ammo and  weapons as  well  as  "Spiritual ║
║ Invincibility."                                                            ║
║                           oOo Install Notes oOo                            ║
║                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                                ║
║ Use WinRAR 2.0 or higher to unpack it, then run TUROK.EXE.                 ║
║                             oOo Scene News oOo                             ║
║                                 ^^^^^^^^^^                                 ║
║ The recent  RAZOR.NFO  files  have been  full  of propoganda  and  twisted ║
║ explanations  of events, all for the sole  purpose of trying to make CLASS ║
║ look  "bad" and make  RAZOR look "good".  RAZORs  story  changes about  as ║
║ often as  CLASS releases.  4 Months  ago they  were  denouncing  the  SPA, ║
║ while  today they  quote the  rules  the SPA set  up.  RAZOR wants you  to ║
║ believe CLASS  purposely released Postal in  the condition it was in, just ║
║ to laugh  at the end user when they  were unable to  play it.  RAZOR  also ║
║ made  it out as if CLASS  had no intention  of putting out a  fix, when in ║
║ fact a fix  for the  game had  been made, and  was still  being tested  to ║
║ prevent  any future fixes.  RAZOR  said CLASS took  too long to put  out a ║
║ fix (24 hours), yet  it took RAZOR  72 hours to  put  out a  fix  for  Red ║
║ Alert: Aftermath.                                                          ║
║                                                                            ║
║ RAZOR is  just feeding  you lies  everytime  you read  one of  their  .NFO ║
║ files.  The most  recent  lie is when  RAZOR stated  they would no  longer ║
║ "rag" in  their .NFO  files, which  lasted  about  1  release, or  1  week ║
║ depending on  how you look  at it.  RAZOR  also claims all  CLASS puts out ║
║ are sub par games  that do not work.  This could not be  further from  the ║
║ truth  and the  following  list  has been  compiled to  prove  just  that. ║
║ CLASS knows  this will not quiet the  mouths at RAZOR, but will  hopefully ║
║ remind the end user what has gone on in the games  scene recently  and who ║
║ has been bringing you the BEST PC games.                                   ║
║                                                                            ║
║  * To keep the total number of releases even, only August & September      ║
║    were used for CLASS while all of 1997 was used for RAZOR.               ║
║                                                                            ║
║CLASS                                                                       ║
║~~~~~                                                                       ║
║ August 1997                                                                ║
║                                                                            ║
║  Nitro Racers (c) 3DO                                                      ║
║  Forbes Corporate Warrior (c) Simon & Schuster                             ║
║  XCar: Experimental Racing (c) Bethesda Softworks                          ║
║  Puzz 3D: The Notre Dame Cathedral (c) Hasbro Interactive                  ║
║  Imperialism (c) SSi                                                       ║
║  Lose Your Marbles (c) SegaSoft                                            ║
║  Avery Cardoza's 100 Slots (c) Cardoza Entertainment                       ║
║  NFL Legends 98 (c) Accolade                                               ║
║  Flight Simulator 98 (c) Microsoft                                         ║
║  Valderrama (c) Access Software                                            ║
║  Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain *FINAL* (c) Activision                         ║
║  Real Genius (c) Pro One                                                   ║
║                                                                            ║
║ September 1997                                                             ║
║                                                                            ║
║  7th Legion (c) Microprose                                                 ║
║  Jonah Lomu Rugby (c) Codemasters                                          ║
║  War, Inc. (c) Interactive Magic                                           ║
║  Rayman Designer (c) UbiSoft                                               ║
║  Beasts and Bumpkins (c) Electronic Arts                                   ║
║  Garfield: Caught in the Act (c) Sega PC                                   ║
║  Perfect Assassin (c) Grolier Interactive                                  ║
║  Hexen 2 (c) Activision                                                    ║
║  Hercules (c) Disney                                                       ║
║  Dark Reign (c) Activision                                                 ║
║  Blood: Plasma Pack (c) GT Interactive                                     ║
║  Black Diamond Ranch FPS Golf Course (c) Sierra                            ║
║  Sonic 3D (c) Sega PC                                                      ║
║  Earth 2140 (c) DirectSoft                                                 ║
║  Total Annihilation (c) GT Interactive                                     ║
║  Battleground 8: Prelude to Waterloo (c) TalonSoft                         ║
║  International Rally Championship (c) Europress                            ║
║  Forced Alliance (c) Ripcord Games                                         ║
║  Holiday Island (c) Ocean                                                  ║
║  NHL 98 (c) EA Sports                                                      ║
║  Postal (c) Ripcord Games - FIX                                            ║
║  Boggle (c) Hasbro Interactive                                             ║
║  Waterworld (c) Interplay - DOES NOT NEED SPEECH FIX FROM RAZOR            ║
║  Mageslayer (c) GT Interactive                                             ║
║                                                                            ║
║Razor 1911                                                                  ║
║~~~~~~~~~~                                                                  ║
║ January 1997                                                               ║
║                                                                            ║
║  Into the Void (c) Playmates                                               ║
║  Rally Championship (c) Sega PC                                            ║
║                                                                            ║
║ February 1997                                                              ║
║                                                                            ║
║  G Nome (c) 7th Level                                                      ║
║  Helicops (c) 7th Level                                                    ║
║  Street Racer (c) UbiSoft                                                  ║
║                                                                            ║
║ March 1997                                                                 ║
║                                                                            ║
║  Interstate 76 (c) Activision                                              ║
║  Jack Nicklaus 4 (c) Accolade                                              ║
║  MDK (c) Playmates - OVER THE 50 DISK LIMIT (58 Disks)                     ║
║  Project Paradise (c) Soft Enterprises                                     ║
║  Test Drive Offroad (c) Accolade                                           ║
║                                                                            ║
║ April 1997                                                                 ║
║                                                                            ║
║  Sand Warriors *FINAL* (c) Gremlin                                         ║
║  Comanche 3 (c) Novalogic - OVER THE 50 DISK LIMIT (66 Disks)              ║
║                                                                            ║
║ May 1997                                                                   ║
║                                                                            ║
║  Deathmatch Maker (c) Virtus - ADDON NOT FROM MAKERS OF ORIGINAL GAME      ║
║  Star Trek: Generations (c) Microprose                                     ║
║                                                                            ║
║ June 1997                                                                  ║
║                                                                            ║
║  Animal *WORKING* (c) Ocean                                                ║
║  Dungeon Keeper *FINAL* (c) Electronic Arts - BETA                         ║
║  EF 2000 (c) Ocean                                                         ║
║  Links LS 98 (c) Access Software                                           ║
║  LOTR2: Siege Pack (c) Sierra                                              ║
║  Tony Larussa Baseball 4 (c) Maxis                                         ║
║  War Gods (c) GT Interactive - DUPE OF CLS                                 ║
║                                                                            ║
║ July 1997                                                                  ║
║                                                                            ║
║  Aaron vs. Ruth (c) Mindscape                                              ║
║  Pacific General (c) Mindscape                                             ║
║  SU-27 Mission Disk (c) Mindscape                                          ║
║                                                                            ║
║ August 1997                                                                ║
║                                                                            ║
║  Pete Sampras *FINAL* (c) Codemasters - DUPE OF CLS                        ║
║  Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (c) Activision - BETA                          ║
║  Mass Destruction (c) BMG Interactive                                      ║
║  Dark Colony (c) SSi                                                       ║
║  NHL Open Ice (c) GT Interactive                                           ║
║  Shadow Warrior (c) GT Interactive - FIX                                   ║
║                                                                            ║
║ September 1997                                                             ║
║                                                                            ║
║  Man of War (c) Virgin                                                     ║
║  ABC Monday Night Football (c) ABC Interactive - NEEDS FIX FOR LEAGUE PLAY ║
║  Hexen 2 (c) Activision - DUPE OF CLS                                      ║
║  Starfleet Academy (c) Interplay                                           ║
║  Resident Evil (c) Virgin - DUPE OF PDM                                    ║
║  Red Alert: Aftermath (c) Virgin - FIX                                     ║
║  Age of Empires (c) Microsoft                                              ║
║  MTG: Spells of the Ancients (c) Microprose                                ║
║  World League Basketball (c) Mindscape Sports                              ║
║  Ignition (c) Virgin                                                       ║
║  Conquest Earth (c) Eidos                                                  ║
║                                                                            ║
║           C L A S S                               R A Z O R  1 9 1 1       ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Totals in 2 Months (AUG & SEPT)           Totals in 9 Months (all of 1997) ║
║ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ║
║ 36 RELEASES                               38 RELEASES                      ║
║  0 DUPES                                   4 DUPES                         ║
║  0 BETAS                                   2 BETAS                         ║
║  0 OVER THE DISK LIMIT                     2 OVER THE DISK LIMIT           ║
║  1 FIX                                     2 FIXES                         ║
║ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ║
║ 36 LEGIT RELEASES                         30 LEGIT RELEASES                ║          
║                                                                            ║
║ Numbers  do not  lie, RAZOR  however  does.  If you  were to  average  the ║
║ ratings from TRG of games released by both groups in August and September, ║
║ CLASS would have 72%  and RAZOR would have 75%  This  does no justice  for ║
║ the  claim RAZOR  makes about  CLASS releases  being  below par.  In fact, ║
║ CLASS won the "Game of the Month" in both months, and received the HIGHEST ║
║ rating ever  given by TRG (Total Annihilation [97%]) while  RAZOR received ║
║ the lowest rating ever (Man of War [25%]).                                 ║
║                                                                            ║
║ There are the facts, which is the complete opposite of what RAZOR preaches ║
║ to  you in  their .NFOs.  Upset?  Betrayed?  Just  plain  pissed off?  Let ║
║ them know how you feel about this via E-Mail (thepunish@razor1911.com)  He ║
║ will be GLAD to hear from you.                                             ║
║                                                                            ║
║ NOTE:  If you feel the  information provided is incorrect, E-Mail CLASS at ║
║ classpc@hotmail.com  and we will be  happy to clear  up any  confusion you ║
║ might have.  It takes a while for the RAZOR propoganda to leave the brain. ║
║                                                                            ║

║                              oOo WANTED oOo                                ║
║                                  ^^^^^^                                    ║
║  Due to the overwhelming amount of feedback we  got about artists, we are  ║
║  going  to try  this  again.  First,  we are looking  for people  who can  ║
║  supply HARDWARE to our group.  Most  importantly 3DFX Cards, MMX  Chips,  ║
║  and Hard Drives.  If you think you are able to help out, contact us ASAP  ║
║  to be rewarded.  Second, we are looking for DEMO's (4k, 64k, even 4MB if  ║
║  they are good enough)  with a CLASS theme.  The DEMO Scene and our Scene  ║
║  used to be tightly knit.  Today, you are lucky if anyone  knows what the  ║
║  DEMO  Scene is.  We would like to  change that, and give the  DEMO Scene  ║
║  some much needed exposure, especially here  in the USA.  Lastly, we just  ║
║  wanted to thank everyone for all  the positive feedback we have received  ║
║  over the past few weeks.  It's nice to know our work is appreciated.  So  ║
║  if  can help us  out in  any way, don't delay, contact  us today at  the  ║
║  following E-Mail address:  skill@giblets.com                              ║
║                                                                            ║

║                             APPLICATION INFO                               ║
║                                                                            ║
║  Interested in joining?  We are looking for  talented new members to help  ║
║  us fill the ranks!  If you  fall within any of the following categories,  ║
║  you might just be what we're looking for:                                 ║
║                                                                            ║
║  * If you work for a software developer, distributor, or publisher!        ║
║                                                                            ║
║  * If you can supply unreleased games, utilities, or even hardware!        ║
║                                                                            ║
║  * If you work for an ISP, or other provider of shell accounts, etc!       ║
║                                                                            ║
║  * If you feel that you have anything else that might be of value to us!   ║
║                                                                            ║
║                             CONTACT INFO                                   ║
║                                                                            ║
║  Should you wish to make contact with our members, we can easily be        ║
║  reached via this method...                                                ║
║                                                                            ║
║  E-Mail (USA&Europe):       classpc@hotmail.com or skill@giblets.com       ║
║                                                                            ║