Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (Jul 21, 1997 prototype)
Build date |
Jul 21, 1997 17:51:25
Build name |
Build 50
Dump status |
Released, redump needed
Dumped by |
Released by |
File release date |
August 19, 1997
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
System |
Genre |
First-Person Shooter
Final build |
Nov 12, 1997 02:41:35
A prototype of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter for the PC.
Back in August 19th of 1997, scene group "3DfxWarez" released a build of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter to the public. This build was compiled on July 21, 1997. The original warez release has not been found, but two repacks of it have been found.
- This is build is older than the retail release by 114 days.
- Build originates from 3DFX, likely as a build meant to improve driver support.
- This build does not require a disc drive to be installed on your PC.
- Unlike the final game, this build boots straight into the game.
- Lacks a copyright logo for Sculptured Software Inc.
- The Load Game Menu still refers to the N64's "Controller Pak," whereas the final game calls it "Disk Access."
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$ $ ─#3Dfxwarez─
││ #3DfxWarez is proud to present: Turok: The Dinosaur Hunter Preview ││
││ Supplied by : alMitE Release Date : 08/19/97 ││
││ Packaged by : _Ned_ Release Type : action (1st person) ││
││ Published by : Acclaim Release Size : 1 x 13 MB ││
││ Required : Pentium/3Dfx/DirectX v5 ││
Release Notes
Private demo version issued to:
3DFX Interactive
#3DFXWAREZ brings you a tasty treat. It's not the full release but
this is a fully working PRIVATE DEMO that hasn't been officially
released yet. Anyhow, the hell with that cuz here it is for you to
try out. It runs under D3D at this point and is very smooth with a
3DFX card.
Installation Notes
Only thing you need to do is extract with path (pkunzip -d) to any
folder and run the turok.exe file. The game does however require
DirectX v5 and will not run on DirectX v3 (tested). Check out the
readme.txt for info on switches to add to enable such things as the
mouse. Enjoy!
┌│ Greetings to all the groups out there, especially Backlash who has │┐
││ done an excellent job releasing stuff for the 3DFX scene! And to ││
││ all the #3DfxWarez regulars: you know who you are, and you've ││
││ done a kick ass job supporting us. ││
││ ││
││ We are not an official release group, and have no intention to ││
││ compete with the big groups. We simply provide releases for the ││
││ 3DFX scene when other groups fail to deliver. So don't bitch next ││
││ time you see a beta release by us, because you know all the true ││
└│ die hard 3DFX gamers will be playing our shit. =) │┘
││ Founders ││
││ ││
││ |Macman| Swat ]}oc Stealth3D ││
││ Our Humble Ops ││
││ ││
││ O]}in AtomicNed TEG Drac DaxX Jackal416 h0bbit ││
││ [Flasher] Fischy Snatchy The Myst Hyralak ││
││ Steel Arch Vile BrYHuD Gossamer ││
││ ││
││ ││
││ Be sure to check out http://3dfxwarez.flum.org for news and info. ││
││ RugLand East 3Dfx Archive Cable 7 GB xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ││
└│ RugLand West 3Dfx Archive Cable 4 GB xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx │┘
│ We're always on the lookout for suppliers of beta/final releases! │
Last Updated by _Ned_/|Macman|: 08/19/97
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter prototypes