Homefront 2 (Aug 19, 2013 prototype)

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Homefront 2 (Aug 19, 2013 prototype)
Build date Aug 19, 2013 02:46:02
Build name HF2_X360_(966336)_04_19_profile
Dump status Released
Dumped by kabojnk
Released by kabojnk
File release date August 19, 2024
Origin Xbox 360 DevKit HDD
Lot Pseudo Interactive lot
Game Homefront 2
System Xbox 360
Genre First Person Shooter
Release date Unreleased
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A prototype of Homefront 2 for the Xbox 360.


  • Obtained from a hdd called NEWCRY1 belonging to HaloBuildMessiah.
  • The build itself was incomplete however James2452 fixed the build using files from an August 29th build.
  • Despite being released alongside builds from the Pseudo Interactive lot, this game was never developed by this company.

Homefront 2 (966336, Aug 19, 2013) [HF2_X360_(966336)_04_19_profile] Notes.txt

Starting a new game loads to a black screen - you can quit in the pause menu.

You can load maps in the command console, map busy_streets_test is the one with all the vehicles.

I used a few files from a build 10 days different.

-Fixed by James2452

It should be noted that in the version of Xenia Canary dated August 18, 2024, running Homefront2.xex will crash, which makes the above steps regarding the emulator useless.