Prototypes by system/Atari 2600
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3-D Genesis (prototype)
3-D Rubik's Cube (prototype)
3-D Zapper (Dec 15, 1982 prototype)
3-D Zapper (prototype 2)
4 in 1 (Feb 19, 1987 prototype)
8 in 1 (Nov 16, 1992 prototype)
A-Team (Mar 30, 1984 prototype)
A-Team (May 8, 1984 prototype)
Actionauts (Jun 22, 1984 prototype)
Air Sea Battle (Robert Coppock Demo)
Airlock (prototype)
Alligator People (prototype)
Alpha Beam with Ernie (Dec 22, 1982 prototype)
Alpha Beam with Ernie (May 5, 1983 prototype)
Androman on the Moon (prototype)
Aquaventure (Aug 12, 1983 prototype)
Arkyology (prototype)
Asterix (Aug 1, 1983 prototype)
Asterix (Jul 27, 1983 prototype)
Astro Chase (Oct 25, 1983 prototype)
Atom Smasher (prototype)
Battlezone (May 12, 1983 prototype)
Battlezone (May 2, 1983 prototype)
Bear Game (prototype)
Big Bird's Egg Catch (Dec 8, 1982 prototype)
Big Bird's Egg Catch (May 17, 1983 prototype)
Big Bird's Egg Catch (May 2, 1983 prototype)
Bionic Breakthrough (Jun 22, 1984 prototype)
Bionic Breakthrough (prototype)
Blueprint (prototype)
Boggle (Aug 7, 1978 prototype)
Bouncin' Baby Bunnies (prototype)
Bugs Bunny (Aug 4, 1983 prototype)
Bugs Bunny (Jun 20, 1983 prototype)
Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park (Aug 21, 1984 prototype)
Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park (Jul 27, 1984 prototype)
Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park (Jun 14, 1984 prototype)
Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park (Jun 1984 prototype)
Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park (Jun 29, 1984 prototype)
Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park (May 24, 1984 prototype)
Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park (Sep 13, 1984 prototype A)
Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park (Sep 13, 1984 prototype B)
Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park (Sep 4, 1984 prototype)
Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park (Sep 7, 1984 prototype)
Care Bears (prototype)
Cat Trax (prototype)
Centipede (prototype)
Colors (2600 prototype)
Combat II (Jun 1, 1983 prototype)
Combat II (Prototype)
Cosmic Swarm (prototype)
Crack'ed (Nov 28, 1988 prototype)
Criminal Persuit (NTSC prototype)
Crystal Castles (Jan 4, 1984 prototype)
Cubicolor (prototype)
Dark Chambers (Nov 22, 1985 prototype)
Defender (Nov 1981 prototype)
Defender (Oct 30, 1981 prototype)
Desert Falcon (May 27, 1987 prototype)
Donald Duck's Speedboat (Apr 12, 1983 prototype)
Donald Duck's Speedboat (Apr 18, 1983 prototype)
Dragonfire (May 21, 1982 prototype)
Dragonstomper (Early prototype)
Dragonstomper (Jul 23, 1982 prototype)
Dragonstomper (Version 36 prototype)
Dukes of Hazzard (prototype)
Dumbo's Flying Circus (Apr 4, 1983 prototype)
Dumbo's Flying Circus (Jul 11, 1983 prototype)
Dumbo's Flying Circus (May 5, 1983 prototype)
Dune (Jul 10, 1984 prototype)
Elevator Action (Atari 2600 prototype)
Elf Adventure (May 25, 1983 prototype)
Escape from the Mindmaster (prototype A)
Escape from the Mindmaster (prototype B)
Fighter Command (Prototype)
Fireball (prototype)
Fish (Dec 22, 1983 prototype)
Garfield (Jun 21, 1984 prototype)
Good Luck, Charlie Brown (Apr 18, 1984 prototype)
Gyruss (Prototype A)
Gyruss (Prototype B)
Hard-Head (USA prototype)
Haunted House (Aug 12, 1981 prototype)
Holey Moley (Feb 29, 1984 prototype)
Ixion (prototype)
James Bond 007 (Prototype A)
James Bond 007 (Prototype B)
James Bond 007 (Prototype C)
James Bond 007 (Prototype D)
Kickman (Jan 8, 1982 prototype)
Killer Satellites (prototype A)
Oscar's Trash Race (Dec 3, 1982 prototype)
Oscar's Trash Race (Mar 30, 1983 prototype)
Oscar's Trash Race (Oct 20, 1982 prototype)
Phaser Patrol (prototype A)
Phaser Patrol (prototype B)
Planet of the Apes (Atari 2600 prototype)
Pursuit of the Pink Panther (Prototype)
Q*Bert's Qubes (Jun 4, 1984 prototype)
RealSports Basketball (Prototype)
Rocky and Bullwinkle (Apr 20, 1983 prototype)
S.A.C. Alert (NTSC prototype)
S.A.C. Alert (PAL prototype)
Saboteur (Dec 20, 1983 prototype)
Saboteur (Jun 15, 1983 prototype)
Saboteur (Jun 9, 1983 prototype)
Saboteur (May 20, 1983 prototype)
Saboteur (Sep 2, 1983 prototype)
Save the Whales (Feb 7, 1983 prototype)
Shootin' Gallery (PAL prototype)
Snark (prototype)
Solaris (prototype)
Sonar (prototype)
Suicide Mission (Feb 10, 1982 prototype)
Sweat!: The Decathlon Game (prototype A)
Sweat!: The Decathlon Game (prototype B)
Sweat!: The Decathlon Game (prototype C)
Tarzan (Atari 2600 prototype)
Tempest (Jan 5, 1984 prototype)
The Last Starfighter (prototype)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (prototype)
Turbo (prototype)
Unknown (Oct 22, 1982 prototype)
Unknown (Oct 29, 1982 prototype)
Venetian Blinds (Tech Demo)
Wizard of Wor (prototype)
Xevious (Aug 2, 1983 prototype)
Xevious (Jan 18, 1984 prototype)
Xevious (May 25, 1983 prototype)
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