MediEvil (Sep 7, 1997 prototype)

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Title Screen
MediEvil (Sep 7, 1997 prototype)
Build date Sep 7, 1997
Dump status Released
Dumped by AnonymousHwd45
Released by AnonymousHwd45
File release date September 17, 2022
Origin CD-R
Lot Project Eclipse
Labels Medievil PAL V.1
Dump method MPF 2.1 (Plextor PX-W4012TA 1.07)
Ownership Hwd45, Anonymous (2022-)
Game MediEvil
System PlayStation
Genre Adventure
Final build JP May 12, 1999
EU Sep 17, 1998
US Sep 24, 1998
Release date JP Jun 17, 1999
US Oct 1, 1998
EU Oct 1, 1998
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A early prototype of MediEvil for the PlayStation. Two discs have been located, and both returned similar dumps. Both dumps can be seen in the Internet Archive download link.


  • A demo made for ECTS 1997
  • The inclusion of the titlescreen options makes it likley that this version of the demo is only intended for press and not the showfloor
  • While the build has been compiled on Sep 7 1997 (the accurate build date can be obtained from the MEDRES.MWD), materials suggest this build is based on prototype much earlier just like the rolling demo
  • The titlescreen lets the player start the game and configure which level it starts from in the level select
  • The options menu contains a stage, movie and music select. The Model- and Sound Test are referenced but the code has been stripped from the game
  • Starting level lets the player only choose between the 2 demo levels and movie only between 3 movies
  • None of the games data despite the restrictions has been stripped and a patch to fully unlock the titlescreen options is included
  • The titlescreen cycles through different colors everytime it gets reloaded
  • The demo consists of the Graveyard and the Ant Caves, however the gameplay flow of the levels has been slightly altered with text annotations
  • At this point of development a lot of levels have not even been started yet in terms of programming and therefore only consist of their map model and very barebones if at all teleportation and entity placements
  • Unlike the rolling demo, this build uses a early version of the health meter system where green bones will give the player a life and blue bones will expand the players health meter
  • This build contains almost all cut levels, however theyre in an early stage of development and therefore unscripted
  • Cut levels included in this build are: The Coffin Vaults, Fields of Dust, The River, The Muddy Riverbank, The Mud Slide, Circle of Shadows, The Silver Wood ,The Halls of Illusion, The Hub, The Great Machine
  • At this point the trident is still in the weapons list but its model has been taken out of the game, suggest it was cut
  • In the files there can be found models for the old version of dragon dan aswell as a fully animated model of Dan sliding down the cut Mudslide level
  • All the levels differ greatly from their final counterparts





Special Thanks to SolidSnake11 for creating a patch to unlock the titlescreen options.